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Since that day when Yu Feng spied that He Lanting and his team were fighting against another team of superpowers, there would be a new battle every few days.

He Lanting and the others still collected and retreated after the fight.

Not even half a step beyond the thunder pool.

Yu Feng and Gu Ziang did not move.

The two sides were facing each other from a distance, and neither of them stood still.

In the past few days, the spiritual creature in Gu Ziang's belly moved frequently, as if it was about to come out.

Today, little Qinglong was jumping around Gu Ziang, very excited.

Gu Ziang slowly bent over and knelt down, holding his stomach.

Yu Feng nervously grabbed his hand and asked, "How do you feel today? Does it hurt?"

"It's okay... I can bear it..." Gu Ziang patted his hand comfortingly, "But... it doesn't hurt today either." It should be coming out soon..."

"Ah! It's going to come out today! Then... what do I need to do?" Yu Feng said in a panic, "I'll get you food and water..."

"No. Don't panic, just stay with me." Gu Ziang grabbed him and asked him to calm down first.

Gu Ziang adjusted his breathing, and the spiritual things in his belly began to move.

Yu Feng panicked for a while and slowly calmed down.

In fact, he had made preparations according to the system knowledge before, including food and drink. After he accompanied Gu Ziang to endure a round of labor pains, he poured a glass of water for him to drink and let him eat something.

Gu Ziang didn't think anything of it. He was already used to it, and he also had medical skills. He adjusted his breathing to match the movements of the spiritual creatures, and slowly adapted to it.

Yu Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead and suddenly froze.

"What?" Gu Ziang paused for breath, "Is there something going on at He Lanting?"

"...Well. A group of them gathered together and started on their way, heading towards us."

"Sure enough... they were heading towards the spiritual objects. Come... um..."

"Gu Ziang! Are you okay?"

"It's okay... Just keep an eye on He Lanting and the others..." Gu Ziang pressed his belly, "

Yu Feng also knows . At this moment, the most important thing is to prevent He Lanting and others from approaching. So he focused half of his attention on the plants along the way, controlling the plants to attack them.

The other half of his mind is taking care of Gu Ziang here.

Gu Ziang also focused part of his attention on Xiao Qinglong to relieve the pain in his belly.

His ability to tolerate pain is pretty good. The most important thing is that the little guy in his belly has his own consciousness and is working hard.

Yu Feng's level is one level higher than that of He Lanting and others, and his crushing intimidation greatly hinders the progress of He Lanting's team.

"Captain, are there really spiritual beings appearing today?"

"Captain, these attacks are all coming from that boy Yu Feng, right? His control over plants is too arbitrary, right?"

"Is he so powerful?"

"Same. It's a natural power. Is he so good just because Gu Ziang is by his side?"

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