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Xuanyuan Che nodded again: "Lord Shen, thank you for taking care of Xiao An."

"You're welcome. Please -" Shen Xiuping was not surprised that Xuanyuan Che knew his surname, and he didn't care about the little girl Xuanyuan Che gave him intentionally or unintentionally. Don't show off your power and receive the other party well.

People who are superior at first glance have the capital to be proud of.

Xuanyuan Che's injury was indeed serious, and Shen Xiuping could make a rough guess just by looking at his face.

When the wound is actually examined, I will be even more certain.

"The injury was serious to begin with, and after traveling such a long distance, it still worsened even though you helped him treat the wound..." Shen Xiuping treated Xuanyuan Che's wound and said to Gu Ziang in passing.

Gu Ziang was standing by to help him. Hearing this, he glanced at Xuanyuan Che worriedly. Xuanyuan Che smiled at him and squeezed his hand.

"It's really troublesome for Brother Shen."

"It's not troublesome, he is very tolerant." Shen Xiuping said.

It would be very painful to treat the wound after it worsened, but Xuanyuan Che endured it without saying a word.

Except that he kept flirting with Gu Ziang next to him...

Shen Xiuping didn't care. He had already kept his feelings away, so it was quite gratifying to see Gu Ziang and Xuanyuan Che's unwavering love at this moment.

Uncle Jiang felt a little sorry.

At first, he persuaded Shen Xiuping to let him express his feelings, but Shen Xiuping didn't agree. Now, there is no chance at all.

Xuanyuan Che finally fell asleep due to the effects of the medicine. Ning Xiaoxi stayed beside him, and Gu Ziang followed Shen Xiuping outside to chat.

Gu Ziang first confessed his identity and told Shen Xiuping the key points of the past three years. His words were not unfamiliar, as if he was still the same person who lived in Shen Medical Valley before.

Shen Xiuping sighed with emotion: "I guessed that your identity is not simple, but I didn't expect it to be so simple..."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and Gu Ziang said sincerely: "I didn't mean to hide it... Thank you, Brother Shen, for your understanding."

"A few months Can I take your pulse?" Shen Xiuping stretched out his hand to Gu Ziang.

Gu Ziang smiled and handed over his hand: "More than four months, almost five months."

"I think Xiaoxi and he are quite close." Shen Xiuping said while feeling his pulse.

"Well, yes. He loves the children very much." Gu Ziang turned his head and looked inside.

This was where he used to live, and traces of their stay here are still there. Some clothes, handmade toys, etc. are not unfamiliar to Xiao Xi, and Gu Ziang is also very emotional.

"How many children do you have?" Shen Xiuping asked.

"Including the one in the belly, there are three in total." Gu Ziang explained, "Xiao Xi has a twin brother whose name is Kang. Because of Mo Hanyun's worry, he volunteered to be a hostage. That child is quite a newborn calf. The spirit of not being afraid of tigers."

Shen Xiuping then praised: "Indeed, after all, the father of the tiger has no dog son. Both you and the other are people who do great things, and your children will not be any worse."

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