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"To be precise, the crystal nucleus in Gu Ziang's body is not a crystal nucleus." The system began to speak.

Yu Feng listened with a very solemn expression: "What is that?"

"Do you remember that I told you before that he is the 'Chosen One'?"

"Remember." Yu Feng said, while thinking to himself, There is a cheating system, but the person is not the chosen one, but the one he likes...

However, the host probably has a brain problem, otherwise how could the current situation happen?

The system can detect what Yu Feng is thinking, and he is the only one who can complain about the "host" like this.

It coughed slightly and continued to explain: "Because he is the chosen one, the thing in his body is the spirit of heavenly pregnancy."

Yu Feng was stunned for a longer time this time.

A spiritual creature from Heavenly Pregnancy? !

So that means... what He Lanting said before about "Gu Ziang being pregnant" was not a lie? !

But how did He Lanting know?

"Gu Ziang can convert the energy of the five elements, and the spiritual things in his body will absorb the energy that seems to be useless when he converts these energies. In fact, this actually requires more energy, all kinds of, even just those of plants and animals. For a crystal core, the more the better. "

"Then can I understand that most of the energy it absorbs is absorbed by the spiritual object, and the spiritual object then transports the converted pure energy out? If it is transported out, the spiritual creature will absorb it?"

"Yes." The system explained, "The spiritual creature will not refuse the energy, but after all, it has to be parasitic in the body of the chosen person for a period of time, so it needs to Consider the idea of ​​the chosen one. "

I see...

So, sometimes when Gu Ziang really wants to have the right to use energy, he will actually have the right to use it.

It turns out that it is licensed by spiritual creatures.

"How long will this spiritual object stay in his body? Are there any precautions?"

"Well... the spiritual object is now in an embryonic state, which is similar to the growth period of an ordinary human embryo, which is also ten months. It is now three months and ten. Oh my God."

Yu Feng originally wanted to ask how long it was, but the system automatically told him.

He was silent for a moment, remembering Gu Ziang's action of touching his belly, and asked suspiciously: "Does he know it himself?" When

feeling unwell or in a strange condition, the owner of the body is naturally the first to know.

But, Gu Ziang probably doesn’t know the specific reason, right?

Sure enough, the system denied: "He doesn't know."

Therefore, Gu Ziang would only suspect that he might have gained weight, but would not think of the possibility of being "pregnant" or "having a spiritual thing growing in his body."

"At least, we don't know yet." The system added, "You can tell him. This does not violate the rules of the world."

Yu Feng: "..."

What should he say!

The system started to give bad ideas: "You can have a close relationship with him, and then tell him that he is pregnant with your baby."

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