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"Oh?" Xuanyuan Che raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, "What can he do?"

The place where Luo Yu was sent by him actually had few resources. Whether it was troops or cavalry, it was difficult to find them.

His original intention was to drive him away and make him stop thinking about him. After all, Luo Yu was his childhood sweetheart who grew up with him. He couldn't do too well, so there weren't many things going on where he was sent. , it can be regarded as an easy job.

"The place where he is stationed is indeed desolate, but a few hundred miles away from Tanzhou where he is located is the territory of the Moshan clan. Although the Moshan clan has not claimed a country, it is also the strongest nomadic tribe within hundreds of miles. They have grasslands, horses, and cavalry who are good at riding, shooting and hunting. I don't know what method Luo Yu used to buy horses from the Moshan tribe. He also has a close relationship with the leader of the Moshan tribe and borrowed his cavalry. "Yang Zhiyi reported the truth truthfully. After he finished speaking, he paused and then teased Xuanyuan Che, "I estimate that after the spring, he will bring the cavalry team he formed to claim credit from His Majesty."

Xuanyuan Che looked at Huai. The precious son in the house replied obediently: "Then I will go to Yiming's place after spring."

In short, Luo Yu will not be given any chance. Unless he figures it out himself.

"Your Majesty, aren't you afraid that he has second thoughts?" Yang Zhiyi thought a little more, and was very wary of this possibility.

In this world, there are too many people who hate because of love. It is difficult for Paul Yu to be the next one.

"No." Xuanyuan Che shook his head and added after a while, "If he really has second thoughts because of this...it will be really difficult to handle."

Emotionally, he did not believe that Luo Yu would betray him, but sharing the same bed Everyone in the pillow has betrayed him - even though it was with hard intentions - let alone a friend? And rationally, Xuanyuan Che felt that if the matter really developed to this point, then he would have no choice but to bear the pain and alienate the other party. As a last resort, there was no way he could meet each other in arms.

"Let's take it one step at a time. From the current point of view, he shouldn't be able to do it."

Yang Zhiyi was just a reminder, not wanting to cause too much trouble to Xuanyuan Che. In order to divert Xuanyuan Che's attention, he changed the topic: "Your Majesty, there is another way, maybe the queen can show up."

Sure enough, Xuanyuan Che became interested as soon as he heard this: "What way?"

"For the outside world . Claiming that His Highness Kang is ill..." Yang Zhiyi looked at the little guy in Xuanyuan Che's arms and suggested, "If the Queen is worried about His Highness, she might show up secretly."

Xuanyuan Che frowned, and Yang Zhiyi hurriedly said: "I definitely have no intention of cursing His Highness, I just want to try this method."

Xuanyuan Che said thoughtfully: "I know what you mean, and I don't blame you. I was just thinking about the possibility of this matter. Sex." He stared at his precious son in his arms for a while and murmured, "Maybe you are right, this method can be tried."

Ning An knew that he was pregnant first, so he had every chance . He wanted to abort the child, but he did not. Instead, he chose to hide it. Xuanyuan Che didn't know about it until the child was more than four months old.

After Xuanyuan Che knew that he was pregnant, he never said anything about aborting the child, and accepted all the abortion arrangements arranged by Xuanyuan Che.

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