"they are done"
"the red one?"
"it is here and the black one is here"
"ok, thanks kanak"
"you don't have to Maharaj" Don't know if Karna knows that a king should not say thank you and please or does he knows but still do it as he has this manners printed. Sometimes it makes yudhishtir happy to know that karna didn't go raised as a Prince otherwise then Anga wouldn't had gotten such King, Sindhu, Magadh and Chedi wouldn't had been able to get freedom from such Kings and Karna wouldn't had such personality even nor he would had been able to become Bhagwan Parashurama shishya.
Despite the fact that it is the Yuvraj of Hastinapur who is coming, everything is normal like, it is not something new nor is something big............maybe because he is also one of their Maharaj's best friend.
Karna and ashwatthama sip on their tea before they hear th palace door being open and they both went to the entrance seeing two Royal Princes of Hastinapur entering as karna went forward when one of them came forward to hug.
"hello bhrata karna"
"hello dushasana" Karna muttered, ruffling dushasana's hair who huffed before fixing his hair as he notice ashwatthama also when karna went forward to greet his older brother.
"what are you doing here?"
"Oyee! I am also older than you"
"............you don't behave like one"
Letting out a offended gasp, Ashwatthama glared at dushasana as he went to greet duryodhana with a hug before saying "your brother won't learn manners in this life"
Duryodhana chuckled before they all four went inside to sit down and talk properly.
The Pandavas watch the palace door open as dushasana came almost running to hug karna who hugged him with a light smile, the one that rarely comes in his face making them feel unknown emotions knowing it is dushasana who is calling him bhrata and karna don't mind it before their eyes went to duryodhana who walked forward.
Their eyes caught the shiny golden bracelet on duryodhana's arm but they knows no one else caught it cause none other than the person who is tied to it can see it which they got to know about after few days of that incident.
Karna hugged duryodhana as they both patted on each other's back before duryodhana went towards ashwatthama to hug him who is busy fighting with dushasana, who is unusually behaving childish than the way he normally behaves.
After greeting each other, they all went inside as vid ji told the chef to prepare one cup of warm tea and fruit juice for dushasana as ashwatthama and karna has just drank tea.
Walking inside, kanak found all three sitting on the chairs while karna is leaning to the wall behind dushasana's chair as dushasana drink the fruit juice while duryodhana sip on his tea before he asks.
"hmm, got to know about your victory, congratulations karna but why three? Wasn't it only Jayadrath?"
"I only went for Jayadrath but then Chedi Naresh also came, while coming back I stopped in Magadh and listened to the citizens so decided to........."
Duryodhana nodded as dushasana says after putting the empty glass on the table "now that you have won three Rajyas under Anga.......any chance of getting married?"
Immediately raising his hands in surrender position, karna shook his head making everyone laugh there as he says "how is everyone in Hastinapur?"
"fine, they all are sad but are still trying to come out of the incident of Indraprastha"
Karna nodded as ashwatthama asked "what about the elders? I mean you mother? Mahamahim? Mahamantri?"
Duryodhana put the empty cup aside as he get from the chair while saying "Maa is still crying, Mahamantri seems to be suspicious on us as his eyes are always on us and Mahamahim is still saying same thing on repeat that 'if he didn't let them go away from his sight' and is still trying to find his five grandsons while pitashree is also sad though mamashree has gone back fo Gandhar for some reason and........yeah"
Standing up Staright karna, who is behind dushasana's chair, close dushasana's ears before saying "that 100 plus virgin doesn't seems to understand, how was he raised, seriously?"
Kanak hear duryodhana talking about them as he couldn't help but to feel guilty for making so many people worried and even made Mata Gandhari cry and Tatshree Dritarashatra sad who only took care of them and helped them but their mother does not want them to go back to palace right now so they just lived at their mother's wish.
"you just didn't!?"
"seriously karna? At least think of him being our Pitamah, if not for you"
Ashwatthama and Duryodhana chuckled saying as kanak realised about whom karna was talking when he closed dushasana's ears who is still confused..............can't believe he called Pitamah that!!
"why did you closed my ears?" Dushasana asked demanding an answer before he got from chair when he hear ashwatthama's reply "cause you are still a kid"
"I am not" Dushasana said walking towards the garden with ashwatthama trailing behind as duryodhana and karna remained standing there before duryodhana look at karna seriously as he asks "found out, who out the fire in lakshagriha?"
Kanak watch karna nodding since from what he has heard karna does not lie but in this situation, from what conversation they hear of Ashwatthama and karna, he can't tell duryodhana truth about Gandhar Raj until all the evidences are collected, do what will he answer now?

Historical FictionIn the shadow of a legendary feud, where ancient rivalries simmer, a hidden truth awaits. Beneath the surface of animosity and pride, a tangles web of emotions threatens to upend the fate of sworn enemies. As the winds of destiny sweep them towards...