It it was awkward before then, right now it is uncomfortable too and there is nothing duryodhana can do, neither avoid nor ignore, he can just only hope that bhima would just go back to his walking like nothing or maybe bhima is also waiting for him to do that.
Averting his eyes on the duryodhana took a deep breath, ready to excuse himself but his brain's gears stopped spinning when he look up only to find bhima looking at him without blinking and for some reason duryodhana can feel his heart beat becoming fast.
God! He hates these kinds of strong emotions which he himself is unable to recognise even though his body is reacting to those emotions.
"uh......" A sudden confused noise from duryodhana's throat takes both of them out of the trance as they both avert their eyes, looking anywhere but at each other before duryodhana falteringly spoke "do you.....wait-" only to go back inside his room leaving bhima confused until he saw duryodhana coming back with bhima's angavastram which was tied on his arm as he gave it to bhima who took it silently.
"your is case you are going to think that" For Hell's Sake, Why is he speaking with so much pause and hesitantly like he does not know what to say but he still wants to speak? Hah! Really!? Just say something or turn around to leave bastard, he has made enough fun of himself, now go, your angavatsram is already back to you........Leave!!
Blinking, duryodhana look towards the going figure of bhima with his angavastram while duryodhana stand there surprised...........Did he just thanked duryodhana? For what!? Wasn't that angavastram was his not duryodhana's!?
Shaking his head duryodhana turn around to leave unknown to the pair of eyes looking at him going back with curiosity.
"just what is happening?" The person whispered to himself, looking at the place where duryodhana and bhima were standing a while ago with confusion and curiosity.
Of course he did doubt that something is different with duryodhana and bhima in the forest but now it is too much confusing for him to even understand, what is going on? as this all is too suspicious to him.
And for some reason it is making him bitter to think that everyone here is close to duryodhana except him, not like he should mind but he is and that's kind of annoying feeling inside which he is definitely not a watery emotion to make him feel sad or upset cause of this instead, it is burning inside like anger and jealousy.
Even though he does not know the reason of this unknown burning emotion.
Waking up in the morning, duryodhana get up stretching his body lightly before he goes to freshen up while muttering about today's work "have to check that file too.........and that Grandma's case, I should send ugrasena for that. How can someone leave their parents like that especially when their parents need them so much after taking care of them for whole life? This different world is out of my brain's league............I have to send letter there too, yeah.........what do I have to do after that?" until he thought of his more work only to get reminded of bhima making him stop on his track. Why is he thinking of bhima this early morning? Early morning!? Why is he even thinking of him?
Doing his all chores while getting ready with a light frown on his face, duryodhana grabbed his angavastram, putting it on fastly before going towards the door.
The Pandavas walk around the palace taking morning fresh air before they saw ashwatthama and karna coming through the corridor, only to stop in front of duryodhana's room door as it opened but they can't see as they are standing behind while ashwatthama snicker asking "still sleepy?"
Duryodhana must have made a confused face as karna pointed in front towards duryodhana while saying "your angavastram" and right after that a loud thup can be heard as duryodhana's room door closed with duryodhana inside while ashwatthama snicker saying "either his morning didn't went well or he is still sleepy though his aggression seems to calm down now" making karna say "the medicine is working it seems" to which ashwatthama nod "at first I thought Gandhar Raj must had poisoned others too but after finding out, seems like Gandhar Raj is very much clever. He directly went for duryodhana from starting already knowing, those other ninety nine will follow duryodhana"
Karna hummed lightly looking at the Garden before the door opened as duryodhana came outside saying "let's go. I have too much of work" to ashwatthama says "I can guess that-" as karna continued "-but don't work too much" making duryodhana nod looking at karna "as you say Maharaj otherwise you would again lock me inside my room" while ashwatthama laugh at that with karna shaking his head at duryodhana's mockery "I did that for your own good"
"wait- you really did that?" Ashwatthama exclaimed asking to which duryodhana scoff saying "what does it look like from karna's perspective to be on rest?" making ashwatthama laugh more while karna roll his eyes "Oh, it was still better idea than ashwatthama's one" to which duryodhana ask "he though something too?" as ashwatthama asks offendedly "why? I can't think anything?"
Hearing duryodhana's silence ashwatthama started rambling while karna sighs, already tired of the daily drama as they both enter the duryodhana's office with karna behind who stopped only to take the tea tray from the maid to take it inside the office.
The Pandavas watch all the way until the office door got closed before they hear a yell from Garden "why?? you brats!!" only to find it is dushasana with chuckling Vikarna and ugrasena 1ft away from dushasana.
They must have did something to dushasana who is glaring at them before turning around to leave but not before shouting "I will tell Maa" making Vikarna and Ugrasena pale as they ran behind dushasana, either to stop him or beg him not to tell Mata Gandhari. Have to say, they all are too much funny while childish at the same time even though they have never notice it until Anga and now, coincidentally.
"you think so?" Karna asks sipping on his tea while ashwatthama go through a random book which is even upside down in his hands, don't know what he is doing or planning of doing but Karna and duryodhana are surely ignoring him very well like daily thing as duryodhana work through his documents.
"There is too much work to finish...........Remind me again why did I went to the forest?" Duryodhana says, leaning back to straighten his arm before he again went back to his work until a maid came saying "Yuvraj, Maharaj is calling you in royal assembly"
"only me?"
"No, everyone"
"I see"
"leave that us. You go, we will stay here" Karna says as ashwatthama nodded putting the book aside which he was trying to read upside down before grabbing duryodhana's document while duryodhana walk towards the Royal assembly.

Historical FictionIn the shadow of a legendary feud, where ancient rivalries simmer, a hidden truth awaits. Beneath the surface of animosity and pride, a tangles web of emotions threatens to upend the fate of sworn enemies. As the winds of destiny sweep them towards...