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"do you usually listen to others talk?"

Duryodhana ask, making sure that his voice would come out neutral as nakula shrug nonchalantly, replying "Not usually"

"hmm, then what about today?" Duryodhana asked to which Nakula grin, replying "just today seems to be the interesting day to unfold some secrets" which make duryodhana confuse over what secrets before the gears inside his brain started spinning fast making him panick.

Did Nakula noticed him giving glancing towards bhima? Is it about that? Did he listened to their conversation? Did he got to know about duryodhana's.......?...........NO!! This can't happen, this definitely didn't happened. Maybe he is just thinking too much.

Taking a deep breath duryodhana, relaxed his face, making sure there aren't any sign of him looking panick as he look at nakula with raised eyebrow in question which Nakula completely ignored while looking at the garden making duryodhana sigh in relief, internally.

"what's going on with you and bhrata bhima?"

If duryodhana wasn't looking panicked earlier then he definitely is now. Looking away, trying his best to keep the horror away from his pale face, duryodhana felt his heart beat fastening from fear as he shook his head, trying his best to keep his voice as emotional as he can "what do you mean by?"

"if you don't wanna tell me then fine. I don't have any problem with that, not like I can force you................maybe I can but I won't" Duryodhana hears Nakula speaking until at the last his normal voice changed into whisper which duryodhana couldn't hear in between the blustery. Not like he even wanted to ask since he knows in the last it will only make him trapped and nothing and that's why he decided to change the topic.

"have you all found any solution of this?" Duryodhana asked, pointing at his bracelet making Nakula look at his own before he answers "not now but not like we are not trying too. We are finding" to which duryodhana groaned muttering "for how long am I going be stuck with these idiots!?"

Nakula, who heard this felt a frown coming on his face as he turn towards duryodhana scoffing while saying "be grateful that it is us, not someone who would take advantage of you-" to which duryodhana felt a little bit fine since they seriously didn't took advantage of it nor blackmailed him but all his emotions vanished as soon as he hear Nakula continuing proudly "-beside you are stuck with the most Handsome man in this whole world"

.....................Man! This World would be Ending but he would still say 'earth should be happy that it had Such Handsome Man for such a long time'. Is he psycho or what? And what does it mean by that? Does he want to break this marriage or.........?

Shaking his head slightly, duryodhana felt light on his face making him turn to look at the sky from where the Sun is rising..........Ah, he truly didn't slept today.

"guess, it is already morning" He heard nakula saying making duryodhana reminded of the fact that karna must have gone for Surya Puja. He should get ready soon otherwise he would be in trouble if karna and ashwatthama got to know about him being awake for whole night..............even though, they will know about it just by one look of him.

Duryodhana turn around to leave from there but his ears did hear the light fading footsteps of Nakula who also left from there as duryodhana enter his room.

He truly have to do something about this bracelet. He just can't stay like this, like..........It is a celestial marriage!! He truly have to do something about..............maybe he should confront them and remind them of this again.


The footfalls echoing in the corridor could be heard by everyone as the soldiers outside Yudhishtir's room stand, yawning in between while murmering among themselves until they saw The Yuvraj of Hastinapur coming towards them making them bow down immediately as duryodhana opened yudhishtir's room door before the announcement could be made of his sudden appearance.

Both the soldiers felt their soul living their body, not knowing what to answer if Mahamahim get to know about this and ask them about how duryodhana entered room without announcement? And what were they doing at that time? Feeling their heartbeat fasten in fear, the only thing they could do is pray that nothing serious would happen inside that can cause them to get punishment. Though judging by the silence the soldiers thought maybe they do have chance to live more.


Yudhishtir, who was going through the documents of Indraprastha looked up when his room's door suddenly opened, taking his attention as he watch duryodhana coming inside making him straighten up.

"they didn't announced you are coming"

"cause I didn't give them chance to say something" Duryodhana says, rolling his eyes before going towards yudhishtir who is sitting on the chair with papers in front, on the table making duryodhana tap on the table with his finger.

"when are you going to do something about this?"

"huh?" Yudhishtir blinked in confusion making duryodhana huff as he pointed at yudhishtir's bracelet making yudhishtir realise what he is asking about as yudhishtir speaks "I am also thinking about that but we can't do anything until we go back to Indraprastha-"

"then, tell me" Duryodhana asked, cutting off yudhishtir's sentence in between making yudhishtir confuse.


"tell me. Where does she live, the girl you talked about?"

Yudhishtir stand up immediately, hearing that as he try to make duryodhana understand "Duryodhana listen-"

"no! It is not just you but you have dragged me in this too and I seriously don't want to have a single day more with this" Duryodhana says, almost yelling as he look anywhere but at yudhishtir.

"listen here, if you are worried about her safety or anything then let it be gone. I am in no mood of choosing violence. I just want a solution of this problem and if you can't do it then let me" Duryodhana says as he turn around to leave while saying "the sooner you tell me, the better it would be" before opening the door to leave only to find himself facing karna directly who has an equally surprised look in his eyes, upon duryodhana's appearance in yudhishtir's room as he raise an eyebrow in question making duryodhana look away.

Noticing yudhishtir behind, karna gave the red scroll to yudhishtir before saying "Mahamahim gave this" as he left with duryodhana while talking about something.

Unknown to them, the other four brothers who are standing near yudhishtir's room's window who has listened the whole conversation of duryodhana and yudhishtir.


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