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"are you sure about this bua?"

"of course kanha, why? Do you not like this?"

"what are you saying bua, of course I would definitely be happy if bhadra got marry to parth, right dau?"

"of course kanha, we would definitely like bua, just we should ask subhadra about this decision"

"hmm, true. What do you think about this putri?" Vasudeva asked his daughter who is fidgeting as she look at her family before nodding slowly making all of them happy.

They all discussed about the preparation of the wedding and the day of wedding by themselves, leaving the five warriors roaming in the streets of Dwarka, out of topic for now.

"congrats bhratashree"

"hmm, congrats bhrata Arjuna"

"congratulations Arjuna"

"yup, Congrats, little bro"

Congrats? Indeed congrats, afterall Arjuna is going to marry the only princess of Dwarka, his childhood close friend. Soon this will spread in whole Dwarka and then in Aryavarta. It is supposed to be a happy moment but..............but there is no such like emotions the archer is feeling.

He should feel giddy, excited or at least happy but his heart is blank, completely blank over the fact that he is going to be married in less than one week.

It is not like he does not like her, he likes her but, does he like her enough to marry her? From all childhood, the first thing that has been occupying his mind is archery then his family; his future life, his own different family, these all never really came in his mind.

It is not like he is not close with subhadra, infact if anyone ask him to name one girl who is close to him or he knows then the first name that comes in his mind is always subhadra.

From childhood Arjuna has been close with subhadra that whenever he hears something about Dwarka or when he is just playing around, then subhadra automatically comes in his mind............

But when was the last time he thought about her? Remembered her? She came in her mind? He does not remember when he rembered her last time. And the feeling that he should be having knowing that he is going to marry his childhood close friend, it is very far topic.

There is no feeling inside him by knowing that he is going to get marry, it is all same, normal, no excitement, no giddiness, no happiness, the emotion that he is feeling beside the neutral one is guilt. Guilt that he does not even know, when was the last time he wrote letter to her, when the last time he thought about her, guilt that he is going to get marry to his childhood friend whose family trust him completely yet here he is.

Marriage is supposed to make make both person happy, excited, giddy, jumpy over when the next day is coming but here he is completely blank. It is not not like he can't take care of her, or he will let her feel upset or sad after marriage, no he won't but what's the point of marriage when it doesn't give happiness. Marriage happens only one time in life and if he is going to get marry then shouldn't it be something he should-

Wait! Isn't he married? Not married but married too...........Married in the name of what?..........Oh, his whole life is going to be upside down, isn't it? He isn't even out this celestial marriage and he is going get married to a girl whom he doesn't even thought of in the past few months?.........or a year?.........more than a year? Oh My! He is in hell ride-


"why are you screaming Nakula?"

"you weren't listening bhrata arjuna"

"oh.....uh.....haha, was in my thoughts"

"we can understand, it's okay. We just got worried"

"sorry Sahadeva, Sorry Nakula"

"no problem bhratashree, afterall it is a big part of life"

Indeed but luckily he got saved from overthinking by his brothers, brothers who are younger than him yet are far more intelligent than him.

"what about this one jyeshth?"

"later nakula"


"it is a good one"

"see, even bhrata bheem Likes it, we should get one and then we can all share"

"yes-yes, one time tasting is good for future, jyeshth"


All his brothers are normal as always, whether the younger twins or the oldest two, it seems as if he is the only one who is thinking about the celestial or even remember it and he does not, why he only?

Duryodhana did said that he will find the solution himself and if he said then he will even, so he should get marry to subhadra.............shouldn't he?

"we are back"

He hear Sahadeva saying as his brothers went inside, finding everyone in the hall as a hand came on his shoulder, playfully tugging him hike saying "congratulations parth" and Arjuna let out a smile at his best friend's teasing. Tight tipped with pressed lips, very unlike smile for someone who is soon-to-be-groom unless it is forced and this one is not forced, no it is not but it doesn't make him feel like he is getting married by his own choice, too.

His eyes search for the figure of his soon-to-be-bride but she is nowhere near, thought he knows she must had accepted it otherwise they wouldn't had agreed for the marriage beside it is good that she is not here cause he doubts if he would had been able to look at her despite all the brag of him about his valour when he can't even speak out his own feelings.


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