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The four Pandavas run inside the cave only to get shocked when they found duryodhana their bhima, sitting against the inner wall of cave, normally which definitely made the four Pandavas suspicious until they saw the handprints mark on duryodhana's neck and bruised jaw of bhima as they sighed in relief before walking inside further.

"why did you ran away-"

"can you not use that word 'ran away'?" Duryodhana says with an irritating look cutting off arjuna's sentence who raised his hands surrendered before duryodhana continued "especially when it is you who is coming behind me" only to hear bhima muttering "there we go again" making duryodhana for hiss angrily "it is a valid point, bastard"

Bhima shrugged, completely ignoring duryodhana who is glaring at him before he also sat back down while the four Pandavas watch them with astonishment which is not something out of the situation considering how both bhima and duryodhana attacked only one time by seeing the mark on them and now are completely normal about each other's presence.

"we are now at the place where, there is no food" Nakula muttered glancing at duryodhana who rolled his eyes before looking outside, sighing "it seems like as if the rain does not stop here"

"maybe bhrata Arjuna could do anything" Hearing the sentence from nakula, Arjuna looked at with the same face as duryodhana did that day while asking 'have you gone insane completely now?' as nakula who understood his brother's expression looked away immediately.

They all sat in the silence until they found sahadeva yawning as duryodhana who looked at him, slide towards the corner, giving the wall area to sahadeva who came sleep there when leaning against it. Though it surprised the Pandavas, bhima still nudged sahadeva to sleep in the corner so that he won't have to move much by them as he himself slipped more in center.

The sleepy mind sahadeva went to the corner obediently, laying down to sleep in the corner as bhima sat beside him and duryodhana beside bhima, at the corner while the three Pandavas at sitting in the front, towards the entrance of cave.


"I am getting sleepy now" bhima muttered looking at darkness outside the cave as they all look at Bhima before yudhishtir who said "you should sleep then" making arjuna say "be careful, bhrata bheem kicks in sleep" to duryodhana who look bhima with pressed lips while arjuna look away immediately after seeing bhima's scowl.

"Arjuna can sleep there. Duryodhana will sleep here" Yudhishtir says as duryodhana felt his face heating up from the embarrassment realising yudhishtir knows how he sleep that night while arjuna gasped muttering "I am the sacrifice" making bhima glare at him while nakula biting his lips to stop himself from laughing out loud.

Soon Sahadeva and Arjuna sleep to the inner area of cave with bhima in between while duryodhana, yudhishtir and nakula sat on the outer area until duryodhana spoke after seeing nakula yawning "you should sleep"

Nodding Nakula also laid down in teh corner, not wanting to disturb anyone nor wanting to get disturb himself as he closed his eyes, immediately falling into deep slumber, leaving yudhishtir and duryodhana sitting with yudhishtir in middle while duryodhana at the corner.

"are you.......okay now?"

It was all silent for a while until yudhishtir spoke as duryodhana look at him nodding his head but judging by yudhishtir's body language, it doesn't seems like he believe as duryodhana rolled his eyes before saying "you can check, happy?"

Yudhishtir raised out his hand, leaning forward as he check duryodhana's temperature before nodding, finding it normal while saying "we should sleep too"

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