All the Pandavas were in their room until they hear creek of door, as they glance at the the figure peeking inside making them chuckle before they put their things away.
"come Dushala"
"Pranipat Bhratashree" Dushala says as they all nodded before Arjuna ask "so? How come our dear sister is here?" making Dushala shrug saying "nothing, why? I can't come here?" while bhima "who dares to say that?"
Chuckling all the them look at Dushala before Sahadeva starts "so Dushala?" making Dushala hmm "ji bhratashree" as he asks "any particular person you want to win the Swayamvar?" making Dushala red while their eyes widen at that before nakula exclaims "you have!! Then why didn't you just said it? We could have went with marriage proposal"
They all nodded except Dushala who shook her head while saying "I want everyone to see his valour" and fond expression can be seen on her face making them softly for their only sister who God knows when became this much older that now she needs to get married?
"we would like to meet him" Yudhishtir says as Dushala nodded saying "you can after he win swayamvar" making arjuna raise an eyebrow as he asks "you are sure, he will win?"
"of course" The confidence oozing from Dushala's sentence was the only thing that reassured them that whoever Dushala likes or both of them likes each other, it is not a childish play, they are serious about each other and that's what they want, to give their sister in secure hands.
"by the way, who is that person?" Bhima ask making Dushala pout lightly as she says "bhratashree, I told you. You will see him in swayamvar and will meet him after Swayamvar-" saying her voice slowed down to whisper "-No one in the palace know who is he except Bhrata karna"
Making all of them blink while Sahadeva ask "he knows?" as Dushala nodded "yes, after all he is bhrata karna's mitr"
"ohhh" They all nodded as Dushala clapped her hands while yelling "I have to go now. Maa called me earlier and I am already late!!" as she ran outside while others laugh at their sister's cute behaviour.
They were about to go back to their place until they saw Mata Kunti entering inside as they immediately touched her feet, getting her blessing before kunti ask "are you all okay?" as they all nodded making kunti continue "jiji said if you have any problem or any health related problem, the Ved ji is coming today, so if you want you can go to him for check up"
"it's fine Maa, we are okay"
"yes, you don't need to worry too much"
"and tell Mata Gandhari to not to worry about us too much too"
"yeah, you should go for rest. Have you eaten?"
Kunti nodded in reply, stepping outside the room with her children behind only to find karna and ashwatthama standing outside the room, whispering to themselves until kunti called them, taking their attention "putro?" as karna replies "Pranipat Rajmata. We wanted Stoneware masher and Mata Gandhari said you know where it is as you used it last time"
Kunti nodded before walking towards the rasoighar with karna and ashwatthama as she gave them stoneware masher before asking "you need anything else too?"
"hmm? No, thank you" Ashwatthama says politely as kunti nodded, leaving from there but before giving another glance to karna which didn't go unnoticed by her five children who in the last tiptoed to the kitchen.
They watch kunti going back while Karna taking in the stoneware in his left hand before forwarding his right hand while murmer int something until bright light came from his hand as it reduces till the white lotus appear.

Historical FictionIn the shadow of a legendary feud, where ancient rivalries simmer, a hidden truth awaits. Beneath the surface of animosity and pride, a tangles web of emotions threatens to upend the fate of sworn enemies. As the winds of destiny sweep them towards...