"Putro, how are you all? You didn't came from one week, I was worried"
Pandavas see their mother worried completely making them feel bad as nakula replies "we were working. Ah.....yeah, we got to know we are in Anga".
The slight hitch of breath and the sudden expression change of Kunti didn't go unnoticed by anyone as they watch kunti turning around, thinking if she is going to tell them but she kept her silence making them grit their teeth...........Sometimes it makes them wonder, how they never notice their mother's expression in karna's presence?
"then........then when will you all come here?"
The Pandavas watch their mother raising her hand, despite the fact that her back facing them, they know she is wiping her tears. It is paining her but she won't say the truth no matter what...........why? Do they not deserve to know about it?............Does karna do not deserve to know about it? His real identity?
"one time in a week" Arjuna says as kunti nodded before she says "I got raw rice from people nearby in the morning, would you all like to eat?"
"of course Maa"
After eating the food made by kunti they sat inside the small hut, talking among themselves while kunti is talking to someone outside until they notice her eyes widen before their eyes caught karna going towards somewhere with..............ashwatthama beside him. They both are chatting about something as karna has that normal look on his face while ashwatthama is grinning lightly while saying something but what caught their eyes most was kunti's continuous stare on karna until he vanish from their sight as she came inside, looking down.
The Pandavas realised it is sunset now means karna went for Puja with ashwatthama as they also decided to part away after hugging their mother and taking blessing from her.
By the time they reached the palace, it was already dark but no one stopped them from entering the Palace except the soldiers were on the gate as they walk towards the palace before they hear something from the garden making them peek.
"yeah, I also can't believe it"
Can't believe it? What? Did something happened in their absence? Did their identity got exposed? There could be many question if they only listen this part but no.........they decided to get their curiosity out, right now by eavesdropping as they hear the conversation between ashwatthama and karna.
"hmm, Gandhar Raj really played cunningly" Karna says as he sip on his tea since he does not drink alcohol while ashwatthama take a sip of madira before exclaiming "truly, he poisoned duryodhana from childhood then even framed duryodhana by putting poison in bhima's food and then throwing him in the river to make both group of brothers hate each other then he even divided, Hastinapur into two parts"
"and he is still not satisfied" Karna says as ashwatthama nodded vigorously, already high on drink as he says "yup, and that's why he put fire on lakshagriha even. If duryodhana wouldn't had told us that it was not him who ordered or put fire on lakshagriha, we would had never investigated about this matter nor we would had been able to find out about Gandhar Raj's plan of destroying the whole kuruvansh by making both group of brother fight against each other"
"True..........The poison inside duryodhana has spread so much from childhood that now his heart has slowed down its beating and his brain is becoming more forgetful day by day. We have to find cure of it fastly" Karna says getting a nod from ashwatthama who emptied the whole madira before slumping down on the railing as Karna roll his eyes with a tired sigh until he hear a light gasp making him suspicious but let it go when he notice ashwatthama is about to fall down.
Putting his empty cup aside, karna supported ashwatthama, before taking him towards the room which ashwatthama has named for himself here as he lay him down on the bed carefully before walking towards the garden, where they both were sitting near the corridor railing as he took the dishes to clean, wanting to go to the library already to finish his book.
"what in the- bhrata duryodhana didn't do it?"
"if what they said is truth then.........." Yudhishtir muttered looking at his brothers who look equally disturbed by this sudden burst of exposure. Finding their brain too tired for this, they all decided to take rest for now even though none of them will be able to sleep, especially after knowing about this conspiracy of Gandhar Raj.................And all above, why does Gandhar Raj wants to destroy kuruvansh? Who knows except their eldest brother and Panchala Naresh.
"And at every table, I will save you a seat hmm~"
The sound of music echoed around the palace as ashwatthama sings lightly while the Pandavas couldn't help but to get surprise at the fact of Ashwatthama's voice being so nice and fact of Ashwatthama being completely different from the times they have seen him or face him, though it quickly become normal when avyaan chuckling told that they are new here that's why they don't know about all this cause everyone who come in Anga always behaves carefree, freely, like their in side personality that comes out only in front of closer ones and they still have yet to see others to make them shock more.
"Finished Puja?" Ashwatthama asked as karna entered the Puja, nodding at ashwatthama's question making ashwatthama say.
"then come"
They watch ashwatthama taking sword as karna took another sword making the disguised Pandavas confuse as ashwatthama does know a little bit of Sword fighting but isn't karna an archer?
Leaning little towards avyaan tantipala whisper asked but still every worker heard it as they all are standing in the group, watching both the warrior going to start fight as they all are free right now.
"Angraj knows sword fighting?"
They got confused when avni giggled silently while avyaan chuckled before their eyes practically came out when they hear what avyaan said "of course he does cause he is Bhagwan Parashuram Shishya Radheya Vasusena Karna"
"P......Parashuram Shishya!!?" Aadav gulped asking as they all nodded while the disguised pandavas felt the ground sinking under their feet.
"yup, infact he is skilled in all five types of fight, archery, sword, spear, mace and hand - body fight too means malla-yuddha and other techniques of hand fights which I have never seen before ever until I saw bhratashree doing that and telling that it is also a type of hand fight"
"you seriously! You do know I am not good at sword fighting that much okay? I am not Bhagwan Parashuram Shishya unlike you, bastard" They hear ashwatthama complaining, realising the fight already ended while talked a little, with karna winning the fight as he put the sword away with ashwatthama who is still saying "if I would had been Bhargava Shishya then I would brag about it unlike you who stay silent until someone straight away ask you"
Of course, karna does not brag about anything and everyone knows this even the Pandavas who has been here for one week then how could he brag about his Gurudev, whom he respect all above as they watch karna silently going inside with ashwatthama while they all also went to work back.
All time in their mind the only thing that goes on was karna being Bhagwan Parashuram shishya until ashwatthama says to karna "we have to check about that poison too" which they also heard since all the workers are sitting in the garden making their mind go back to the fact that it was never duryodhana, he was framed from starting by Gandhar Raj since Gandhar Raj took him as a pawn in his plan.......................This is something that they could never believe it to be true but looking at ashwatthama and karna..........Maybe they have to believe it whether they want or not.

Fiction HistoriqueIn the shadow of a legendary feud, where ancient rivalries simmer, a hidden truth awaits. Beneath the surface of animosity and pride, a tangles web of emotions threatens to upend the fate of sworn enemies. As the winds of destiny sweep them towards...