In the shadow of a legendary feud, where ancient rivalries simmer, a hidden truth awaits. Beneath the surface of animosity and pride, a tangles web of emotions threatens to upend the fate of sworn enemies.
As the winds of destiny sweep them towards...
Didn't even realise how much time has passed until her said husband, who has been looking everywhere but her, looked up at her face only to see a dazed look on her face making him open his mouth to say something but he didn't, for which she is thankful as he gave water to her to drink.
The water flowing down her throat felt like oxygen as she took a deep breathe after emptying the glass, feeling like as if she has gotten a new life.
"Are you okay?" The tranquility filled voice asked her but when she looked at the source of voice, she found no trace of tranquility there as the worry filled eyes, furrowed eyebrows and a nervous expression made her breathe stuck again but this time she tried to remain calmed even though she knows that her face is betraying it.
"Can you............can you please repeat that?"
The nervous expression transformed into surprise before a expression of realisation came on his face as he sighs, starting again.
"Let me start from apologizing-" why would he- "-I know we both are married and I know everyone here wish us to be close like a husband-wife should be but I couldn't have any enamored feelings between us-" Ah......... "-since-"
"Is it me?"
"Is it me?" She wants to know. No, she has to know, why? "Am I the one that is-"
"No! No-No, it is not is is me"
"It is you......?" Oh............
"Yes, it..........."
"I understand, you don't have to tell me everything............if you are not comfortable" not to mention that she herself does not want to hear about it.
It went all awkward silent until duryodhana muttered out "I know I have ruined your life cause of my selfishness, hence I am ready to pay any consequence for it" before taking his leave hurriedly, already knowing what he has done right now, leaving his wife alone in despair.
"Pfft" A bitter echoing chuckle left the anguished filled woman in the alluring dark room as her eyes sting before blurring the beautiful sight until her pale red cheeks start to get wet slowly from the tears that are working as salt on the wound.
If the world could be more cruel to her, let it be cause it seems like the price of the happiness she has felt until now and the hopes that she conquered without God's permission.
It didn't took much time to fill the silent room with heart wrecking cries that are filled with light whispers of "Why?" And the complaints to Gods as why her? when this is the first thing she wished for.
The day passed away just like that with bhanumati remain on her room, feeling her eyes dry out of tears while duryodhana still staying away with no presence of him anywhere near the bedroom chamber nor at the dinner place.
The night went just like that with bhanumati not getting a blink of sleep as she just stare at the shining moon who today changed her view point about it. It felt cold today despite the sun's heat all the day time, making her hug herself in the fragile arms that felt warm when are gently supported by certain someone who will no more by her side.
From her childhood, she has felt herself blessed by God cause she had everything. Many people says one has to sacrifice something for another but it was never in her case, she got what she wanted, what she wished for, hoped for and asked for but took only one night to break her all hallucinations, she has been living in. It took only a moment for her to get pulled into the reality, just a sentence to make her feel that she isn't the blessed one..............maybe she wasn't ever in the first place.
As the morning awakens, the window frames a breathtaking scene that once felt like a blessing to her. The rising sun's warm rays dance across the room, casting a gentle glow. It feels like nature's canvas paint radiating hope and renewal, a beautiful start of a new day but was it for her? The sun shines, glowing everything that comes in its path except her.
The amber eyes caught the look of the woman, not the Maharani, who had her heart shattered at yesterday night. Eyes and nose red, look completely opposite from the princess of Upholding Rajya, opposite from the newly married Royal woman, opposite from the prestigeful title of 'Maharani of Hastinapur'.
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If anyone would see her right now, they would either panick, worry or scold, point at her. She could change her get up but could she change her innerself?
Gulping down in her dry throat, she get up from the bed, slowly walking towards the table as she pour herself a glass of water, chugging it down her throat but it isn't enough. It is not enough to let her know that she is alive. Not realising that the water jug has emptied, she tried to more water but it didn't came out making her sight blue again while she bite her lips to keep quite but who is here even to listen to her? So she cried, again and again until she grasped completely that it is truth; harsh, aching, torturous but truth as it should be cause who said truth is sweet?
After crying again, she dragged herself to the bath place, drowing herself slowly inside the water until her senses would become number as the only thing that echoes around her is 'anything to not feel pain'. Though the numbness didn't last longer when the water presses down, heavy and suffocating. Her lungs burn with panic despite the desperation for the hope of making this day to be her last day of life. Each moment felt like eternity while the body strain for air, the air bubbles in the surrounding feel like sound of footfalls of slowly coming death which envelopes her, warming her cold body as she happily hugs the death back, ready to escape the reality she never wished to face.