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The Maharani of Hastinapur felt her eyes heavy from the deprived sleep but it still didn't managed to hide her happiness which she just felt by witnessing a indescribable starting of a beautiful book of her brother-in-law and her sister-in-law which will bring this palace to the ninth cloud of happiness, adding to Draupadi's pregnancy's excitement.

Though she couldn't help but to shake her head at their own bubble of moment that didn't let them comprehend that their room's door is open. Though luckily it is her who found the door open otherwise..........before she silently closed the door, letting them freely full the serene night with silent secret whispers of their heart.

It feels good to know that in the last everything went good unlike............

Even though she does not blame him, she just can't help but to think 'Why?' Even though she has no right to ask him this, in somewhere back of the world, she wished for him to open up to her and still wishes the same.

But what eat her mind more is that, Are they going to remain same? Just like how they passed this stinging long week painfully?.............She does not want that, not she does not.


The door opened slowly, ready to face another night alone after that morning as she went inside but halted her steps when the figure in front of her turn around, meeting her eyes.

"Ar-........." Now it feels wrong to call him that, more than that feeling of rightness when she first called him after first night yet her mind betrays her by telling she still yearns to call him that, still does and will too.

The said person immediately looked away and the awkwardness in the room didn't fade away easily.

Oh how easy it came out to change ones ethereal painting into dark canvas of reality.

For a moment she contemplated if she is invading his space but bite her lips when she notices him going outside the room from beside her but.....but.........but how long will this continue now? It is-


The sprinting steps halted as if someone has throwed lava in front of his feet before the heavenly grey eyes stare into the amber eyes making the owner of amber eyes breathe stop for moment before loud inhaling of breathe could be heard in the serene atmosphere.

"Maharani" Too much distance despite the physical closeness and too much coldness despite the warm season going on.

"I wish to ask you something?"

Surprised by the sudden start, the Maharaj of Hastinapur found himself nodding, getting ready to face what is coming next "Ji-"

"How long is going to go on?" But definitely was not ready to face this.

She could see him opening his mouth to let out something to counter on this but not today...............not today.

"I don't want to make you feel guilty but do you know what was my first thought when I came here and you became the only person who stand behind, not to attack but to protect me?" The tears swelling in her eyes didn't stopped from getting a glimpse of his expression and why?.............Why does he make this expression? Like........Like he can understand what she is going through?



"Words might not show how much painful it is and might I also can't feel this but.............but it doesn't mean, I don't wish for your pain to End at any cost.........even if you want to take my life" And there it is............again.

"Why..........Why are you being nice then?"

"I am not nice"

'YOU ARE!!!' Unfortunately, she can't scream that out loudly.

She kept staring at the empty marble floor, not daring to look even when the footsteps slowly fade away from the corridor as a single year slip down her cheek.

"Now I have to do this?"

Maybe the morning will bring another storm but there is no day which goes without storm so why bother when it comes to make one on own?
































"Would you like to be my friend, Maharaj?"


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