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"he still didn't came back"

"hmm, I am worried too"

"should we go check?"

"I also think, this would be best"

The four brothers look at each other before nodding as they went towards Eldest Gandhari putra's room to check on him and their brother before opening the door only to find both of them standing, facing each other. The back of their brother is facing them while duryodhana is looking at them with a scowl on his face as he push his bang behind with one hand, letting out a scoff.

"you all got that on your arm too" It would had been a question but considering the serious angry look on duryodhana's face while yudhishtir's eyes on their arms tell that everything has came out as they look at each other before going forward after closing the door.


"can't believe!! There is a limit of being dumb! Why did you grabbed it even when it was stuck? Beside do you all have to grab it?"

Duryodhana grit as they all internally thought the same question - indeed, why did they all have to grab it? And even if they grabbed it why didn't they left it as one of them would had been grabbing it, right? And why the hell did they have to kept grabbing it even when knowing it was stuck, especially when could had touched the other end?-

"it is not even coming off"

The Pandavas came out of trance by hearing duryodhana saying as they watch duryodhana trying to get that bracelet out of his arm but couldn't even being able to move it a bit making raise his hands in defeat with a sigh.

"though it is good, no one other than us can see it" Nakula says fascinated by the day everytime his bracelet came nears duryodhana's one, it sparkle before he look up at duryodhana only to smile sheepishly when he found duryodhana glaring at him as he back off slightly.

They all sat on the bed as duryodhana lean back on the headboard with nakula beside him yet keeping a proper distance, yudhishtir slightly near him beside his leg while sahadeva, arjuna and bhima behind nakula and yudhishtir.

The silence inside the room was too loud and too uncomfortable until duryodhana open his mouth to ask "so.........did you got married?" while looking at bhima who seem to be equally surprised as his brothers by duryodhana's sudden question but still answered it, better words then uncomfortable silence beside it is not an unusual or surprising question.

"No" making duryodhana raise an eyebrow before look up and down on bhima suspiciously making bhima yell "Hey!!" while others chuckle except yudhishtir who says "we couldn't tell her whether it was a man or woman who touched the celestial cloth"

Duryodhana nodded muttering to himself "I should had listened to karna that day" before coughing as he rub his chest before drinking water which is kept on the nightstand until he hear Arjuna ask "do you and Angraj love each other?" making him spit out the water on the ground.

Cleaning his mouth elegantly like nothing happened, duryodhana look at their shocked face at his action before sneer asking "Have you gone insane completely now?" making others blink in confusion as he asks "Ever heard about Rajkumari Shikhandi?"

The others nodded at that before realising what is duryodhana implying to making them smirk a little to themselves while they notice duryodhana's confuse stare on them as he says "going to sleep here?" while nakula flush with embarrassment and others shook their head vigorously.

The Five brothers get up from the bed, ready to walk away until duryodhana asked gritting his teeth "how is this So. Called. Hell. Mistaken. Bloody. Marriage is going to break?" making yudhishtir sigh before replying "we don't know yet but we will find out, hopefully soon"

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