In the shadow of a legendary feud, where ancient rivalries simmer, a hidden truth awaits. Beneath the surface of animosity and pride, a tangles web of emotions threatens to upend the fate of sworn enemies.
As the winds of destiny sweep them towards...
"and how does this makes me no stranger to you? Everyone know about me"
"maybe but not more than me"
"why? Who are you?"
"King of Nishadha"
Dushala fully turn around to face him to say, trying her best to keep neutral face "I also know someone who is owns this title too" making him nod while saying "and I think I also know Princess of Hastinapur from before too............and very closely cause my eagle only likes her after me and my close ones"
"Oh really? But seems like you forgot about that earlier"
She watched Ekalavya bite his tongue lightly before looking away, clearly in embarrassment but she isn't going to leave him that easily as she waits for his reply before he did "I apologise for that. I was...........I was too excited to see you"
And this time it was Dushala who became red as she asks "now you did. Beside why? I am like how people talk about me, you must listen about me too" to which ekalavya shook his head seriously, looking Staright into her eyes "No, their praises don't do justice your has no bound" as his left hand grab her left wrist too, not wanting her to run away now that they are near, not just by heart but by body too and soon soul too, just he will win the Swayamvar soon.
The pounding of heart is so fast and hard as if it wants to break rib cage, that it has filled the whole silence from it's sound as Dushala felt herself wishing that Ekalavya won't hear it. It is just a simple line, a compliment, she has gotten so many compliments and praises throughout her life but this one, this one made her heart beat faster than Peregrine falcon yet her lips couldn't help but to shape into a bright smile.
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This person is truly dangerous for her heart but she can't help but to get more closer to him, let her heart entangle with his, let her soul entangle with his, let her fate entangle with his own, let herself entangle with him.
It is amusing how their clothes are matching too and soon they will be matching again after Swayamvar..................they have even decided that they are going marry each other and that, he will win the Swayamvar definitely.
"you are beyond imagination too" Dushala breathed out, enchanted by the fact that this handsome man is the one she had been writing to for the past eight months, he truly deserves to become her source of distraction and her heart's destruction too, he is truly beyond her imagination. She kept looking at him without blinking before her eyes widen when she saw light red blush adoring his milky cheeks making her let out a chuckle of amusement as he look way immediately but still it didn't stopped her from cooing at him.
"you.........enough!" Ekalavya says, almost begging for her to stop which he has done never, if it is not for her family and jokingly with his friends but now here he is doing in front of the Princess who has stole his heart and refused to give it back and he knew he was going in deep hole the time he realised he couldn't stop replying to her letters but he just couldn't stop, could he? No!
"our meeting is beyond imagination too" Dushala says giggling to which ekalavya look into her eyes, saying "and our marriage will be too" making both of them to be lost in each other's eyes again before they come out of it in shock after hearing a new voice.
"Dushala! Come, Maa is calling you. You have to get ready too"
Ekalavya immediately took his hands back, leaving Dushala's wrist as he step back while Dushala straighten up, clearing her throat before asnwering while yelling as they hear fading sound of anklets making both of them sigh in relief while ekalavya ask "she is?"
"my bhabhishree. Bhrata Vikarna's wife. Most beautiful woman in whole Aryavarta, maybe in whole world" Dushala says proudly before looking beside her to find ekalavya looking at her, giving a clear reply of her sentence as she huffs blushing while looking away.
"I should leave now" she says but didn't took any steps nor he said anything as they both look at each other before Dushala burst out laughing while ekalavya smiled looking at her.
Nodding to each other, Dushala turn around to leave as ekalavya also turn around to leave only hear a yell "I will be waiting" making him smile while he enter the corridor to his resting room "I won't keep you waiting for too long"
Dushala walk towards her bhabhishree's room, wanting to ask where her mother is as she peek inside to check if everything is alright, judging by the silence, only to smile when she saw a beautiful sight of her brother and her bhabhishree together, hugging each other.
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People might say that her brother is cold or neutral to his wife or How can he not care about her when she is the most beautiful woman alive? Or does he even love her? Is it just politics? They don't know how in real they are.
Her all brothers are bad at feelings from childhood and she knows that very well and that's why she wants them to have a wife who would understand them, not judge them, not misunderstood them, change them in a good way, keep the promise and trust them and her one brother, Vikarna, did got such wife and dushala can't be more happy than this.
After her library novels, her brother and bhabhishree are the reason of her such unrealistic romantic expectations and maybe now her unrealistic expectations can change into realistic one. Ah, she really can't wait more longer.
Closing the door silently, Dushala turn around to find her mother but not before telling everyone, not to disturb Vikarna and draupadi, on her way to Gandhari's room.
"come Dushala, you need get ready as bride"
"putri draupadi-"
"not now maa, later"
Beacuse of her, now even Gandhari knows what her daughter is trying to imply as she leave draupadi until she come back on her own.
Maybe Gandhari will soon become grandmother and her Arya will be grandfather...........Oh, she can't wait for that.