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It was all silent for a while until duryodhana tilt his head slightly before a blank smile came on his face as he asks "what?" making ashwatthama look away while saying "the strange feeling you are saying that you feel is Love-"

"what the hell!?" Duryodhana yelled making ashwatthama yell back "you said you won't yell, shout or scream" to which duryodhana again yelled in reply "I am not yelling at you"

"Guys, calm down" Karna says as both ashwatthama and duryodhana backed off slightly before duryodhana stand up from his chair muttering "what in the hell-" but stopped when karna says "it is true duryodhana" making duryodhana look at karna with ridiculous expression "you too, karna?"

Shaking his head, karna speak "I am not confirmed about this but I am definitely confident over this that you don't have any problem now. Right after drinking white lotus water, your health started improving. That fast heartbeat cannot cause heart attack just like that, I can guarantee you about this"

Duryodhana went silent after that as ashwatthama look at him for a moment before saying "how about you think about this for a bit? We won't disturb you nor will force you but heart can only be understand by its owner, so only you can tell if we are right or wrong"

Opening his mouth to say something, duryodhana step forward towards ashwatthama but stopped when he hear karna saying "do you want this?"


Both ashwatthama and duryodhana turned towards karna in confusion as karna speaks "I mean if..........just if........if ashwatthama is right then what would you do? Would you go for it?" Hearing his best friend asking these questions, duryodhana turned completely towards karna while ashwatthama step back as karna continued his point "I mean we are not, I mean, we are not opposing you or..........what should I say?...........Just remember, we aren't judging you or anything, just we didn't thought that from you.....but......."

Anyone can hear confusion in karna's sentence about what he wants to convey but can't as ashwatthama step in between to ease up a little "just remember, as karna says, here no one is judging or being disgusted or any other thing. We have never seen or hear something like this before and he is right cause we didn't thought this from you but it doesn't mean you can't. Love can happen at anytime, anyplace with anyone, so it's okay. We don't know if what we have predicted is right or wrong and if it is wrong then it will only take your time and will annoy you more, so what karna wants to ask or what we wants to ask is, if it came out right then what will you do? Will you tell him? Will you show it?"

There was a moment of silence before deep inhale of breath could be heard as they look towards duryodhana who is looking away at the ground with locked gaze.

If they weren't sure at that time, then they are definitely sure now but what the main thing here is duryodhana's decision. They won't turn away, hate him, disgust by him, ignore him, avoid him or anything, no, they can never under any circumstances but they want duryodhana to know his own heart that's why they asked it and maybe they know the answer which is-


Both the Kings look up at their friend who just mutter out no as he went towards his seat, silently looking through the documents while both the best friends look at each other before karna says "we both are outside, just walking. If you need then call us" only going out when duryodhana nodded.


Arjuna was walking through the corridor until he saw ashwatthama going towards the garden while karna coming towards him. Not like it should bother him but from starting it has been, it is still shocking to know that karna is their eldest brother though he can't say that it does not change anything.

He watch karna walking towards him until his eyes caught arjuna's figure with a frown making Arjuna confuse, is there something on his face?

"I told you to come soon"

Huh? Why is he talking to Arjuna? Eh? Did something-

"I forgot" is dushasana behind Arjuna, that's why...................The hell, karna ignored him like that when he is literally standing in front while dushasana behind him!

"where is Vikarna?" He hears karna ask as dushasana near him, shrugging imperturbably while karna fix his hair, saying "look after yourself" to which dushana grinned saying "ji, bhratashree" as karna nodded, though he has no expression on his face, Arjuna can clearly see karna's eyes being soft. He truly cares about the people he has in his life...........if he ever counted them too in it.

What is he even thinking? Wanted to be part of karna's world? To be able to call karna bhrata? Dammit!! His mind has gotten dry, it seems.

He watched dushasana going while karna ready to walk again before they hear a loud crash sound from duryodhana's office only to run towards it as ashwatthama also came running beside karna.

"what happened?" Ashwatthama asked as soon as he opened the door only to see duryodhana standing just few steps away from door before he look at the right making everyone to look there too, to find shattered vase on the ground.

"how did it happened?" Ashwatthama asked as he check on duryodhana, finding him alright making duryodhana sighs muttering "today is just not the day. It is already too bad to make it worse" while Karna went towards the shattered vase just to get stopped by duryodhana "I will call maid, don't touch, you will get hurt"

Karna stopped as he look at the documents which are flying making him go towards them to pin them with ashwatthama beside him while duryodhana just stand in it's place until his eyes caught Arjuna who is looking at him. Duryodhana look at him for a moment before turning away as Arjuna look around to find his other four brothers there too, in the corner, looking at the scene.


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