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"Is the tea good for your liking?"


Safe to say that one week has passed since that morning of confrontation and to see this...........

Yes! We have become friends and talking about how?


"Would you like to be my friend, Maharaj?"

"Huh?" The lingering confusion and surprise came out more evident then it was intended as she took a deep breathe before looking at him "I can't leave like being a shadow-" yes she could see him immediately opening his mouth in shock but she didn't let him speak by continuing "-even if I myself have devoted to it by marrying-" and if he physically didn't flinched, his eyes did, trying to avoid eye contact "-and it is not just you Maharaj. Had I been married to anyone else other than you, it would had been same.......just not the situation but luckily I got married here-" the eyes that were once avoiding her states, looked directly into her eyes, as if trying to find something and she let them by staring back with same intensity while continuing"-what you said are not bad. You are complicated, complicated to understand, complicated to describe, complicated to know, complicated to look past just your fake demeanor-" and if his eyes slightly widen in surprise at that, she didn't pointed it out "-you are complicated cause you have wrapped yourself in a cocoon of act of rudeness, toughness, arrogance and if you think that this is going to protect you like it has been from starting-" maybe she is touching a sensitive subject and judging by the flabbergasted look on his face, she definitely is but...... "-then it won't. You have to face the reality, in anyway, in any situation, you have to. You are more stronger than you think and I am not just talking about physically but you will only get to know about it yourself when you will face the reality cause up until now you have faced everything with bravery and has won against each but not reality, you kept running away from it and still has. I am proud of the fact that I married here, that I have such people who care about me but my life is tied with yours.........and I can't let my life fly away just like that"

God! She said that all, didn't she? Now the only thing that matters is what will he do now?

There was a small mutter that enters her ears as she asked "huh?"

"Then what do you want Maharani?"

And she could barely stop the coming grin on her face "let's be friends"

She can clearly see him having an internal conflict as he bite his lips lightly before saying "sure.......but will we....."

She knows what he is talking about and she definitely does know what to answer. "We can act as couple in front of others but in real, we will be friends with each other and about future, let it stay in future until it becomes present"

Seeing him nod, still conflicted but him agreeing is enough.

"Good, then let's start with being informal with each other. Myself Bhanumati, Maharani of Hastinapur and you can call me bhanu"

The slowly spreading amused smile on his face while staring at her stretched offered hand made her smile lightly too until it changed into grin when he shook hands with her.

"Pleasure meeting you Maharani. I am Maharaj of Hastinapur, Duryodhana"

"Huh? That's it?" She couldn't help but ask confusingly as he nods, confused at sudden question attack "what about your nickname? What can I call you?"

"Anything you want"

"Anything?" The flabbergasted look on her face at his casual shrug would be more funny if he wouldn't had just left it there.

"Then what does your close people call you?"

"They call me by my name.........yeah but my friends call me duryo" There was a moment when a look of fondness washed over his face when he said this sentence and luckily she didn't unnoticed it.

"Great then I will call you duryo too"



It will be the most memorable day of my life.

Although it was selfish but what to do? It is heart and this will remain selfish forever.

And what would be more bless full in this situation other than being friends.

"You are still staring duryo"

"It is still surprising though"

A light chuckle slipped my mouth while sipping on the tea made by him, remembering his astonished face of one week before when he happened to pass by kitchen, finding her brother-in-law and his stubborn little brother with his wife, talking about something while having a light smile on his face...........shocking? Yes but my attention only was on duryo's surprise face as he stutter out about his encounter while I.........still couldn't concentrate on anything other than his face, trying to keep smile off my face.

"Well, isn't it good though?" And if the look in his eyes didn't soften up upon hearing my question. Of course he is happy for his little brother and-

"Long live Maharaj! Samrat is asking for your presence"



One of the closest friend of duryo who if not now will definitely notice later but I know that duryo will himself tell about this to all his close friends which are only four by far I got know.

"I will come soon"

I nodded, feeling warm inside when he said that even though he is not obligated to tell aching about his own considering we have been friends for only one week and for that to, half of the week went for us to warm up to each other until we become enough comfortable with each other that I can enter his office anytime without knocking and him doing anything while sharing with him & telling me.

It is stupid but I can't help but to feel treasured and if being his friend gives such feeling............that girl will be most luckiest in the world who will be one her wife. Either way-


"Yes, Hidimba"

"Make him understand that I am right!"

[CHUCKLE] Life has never been better after marriage until now.



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