💄Beomkai- I Hate You

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Beomgyu couldn't believe how hot the guy at the other end of the bar was. Tall, blonde and handsome. Exactly his type. What was weirder was how familiar he looked. A face like that was unforgettable yet he seriously couldn't remember where he had seen him before. Figuring that was a good talking point, he decided to go for it. "Mind if I sit here?"

"I have to go."

"Wait!" Beomgyu set his glass down while not understanding what just happened. "Did I do something?"

"You really don't remember me do you?"

Beomgyu took a harder look at the blonde. A bunch of different faces flooded his memories. None of which were him. "No but I'm assuming I must have done something to you?" The blonde had the most offended look on his face. Whatever he did, he wanted to make it right. "I'd love to start over or at least offer an apology."


"Can I buy you a drink?"

"No thanks."

Beomgyu hesitantly sat down next to the stranger. He then asked the bartender for two glasses of red wine. "Remind me who you are again please."

"Kai Huening. You may remember me as that faggot or what else did you call me? That twink?"

"Oh my god..." Beomgyu remembered everything. High school was a time when he was an complete ass. Kai was an easy target since he was one of the few who were openly gay in his school. It took him until freshman year of college to realize he was gay himself. He felt horrible because he knew how horrible he used to be. "I don't know what to say. Sorry isn't enough. I just know I'm not that person anymore. I'm even gay too! Ironic huh?"

Kai didn't find the other's attempt at a joke funny. "Whatever."

When the blonde put his foot down off of his chair, Beomgyu quickly asked "are things at least better for you now?"

"It's hard to be worse off than what you put me through."

"I don't have any excuses. I was an asshole. I'm sorry Kai. I'm sorry for everything."

"I have to go."

Beomgyu downed the first glass of wine like a cheap beer. The alcohol wasn't helping. It only amplified how guilty he felt.

In high school, he was one of popular kids. The legends. The ones everyone wanted to be and the ones everyone wanted to be around.

Kai looked nothing like how he looked now. The blonde had black hair back then. He was small, thin, weak and painfully shy. The easiest target to Beomgyu who always said everything he did was a "joke".

Looking back at it, he couldn't believe he found anything he did funny. He also couldn't believe that people laughed with him. The only people who called him out were teachers but what rebel teenager listens to authority? He should've listened.

In college, he met his first boyfriend. Taehyun Kang was the reason he knew he was gay. While the relationship didn't work, he had never been happier knowing how freeing it was to be his true self. That feeling was something he robbed Kai of. Not only robbed but replaced with intense self hatred.

There wasn't anything he could do to change what he did. Beomgyu knew he wasn't that person now. Kai suddenly felt like a burden that he wanted to relieve himself of. One "I forgive you" would lift the weight off of his chest. After that, he would move on with his life like normal.

Three minutes on the internet was enough to find Kai Huening. With no hope in mind, he sent him a message saying "I'm sorry again. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

"Yeah. Never contact me again."

Beomgyu was determined to make things right. "I can buy you dinner or I'm sure I can help you in another way!" The message was left on read.

Ten minutes later, the blonde peered through the bar's windows to see his nightmare still sitting there. He decided to give him a piece of his mind. Angrily, he walked up and said "I am NOT your charity case! You don't get to feel better about yourself after doing what you did to me! Just leave me alone! I forgive you! Happy? Do you feel better about yourself now?!"

"I-I..." Beomgyu bit his tongue. He downed the second glass of wine and placed a $50 bill on the counter. "I'll leave you alone. I'm sorry again."

Two days later, Beomgyu started drowning in self pity when he saw Kai at the supermarket. Even though the blonde was in the aisle he needed, he decided to go in the opposite direction instead. Five minutes later, he accidentally ran into him in the cereal aisle. The moment the blonde saw him, he walked in the other direction. Normally Beomgyu would leave him alone but they were adults now. They should be able to talk like such. "Kai! Wait!"

"I already forgave you. What do you want?"

"Why can't we just talk?"

"Why do you want to talk?"

"You're being so immature! I grew up! Clearly you haven't! I just wanted to make things right between us!"

"Why do you care so much?!"

Being so attracted to Kai made Beomgyu even more pissed off. "Why are you back? You had to know I'd be here."

"I didn't think I'd fucking run into you."

"This is a small city!"

"And yet I've been here for over a month now."

"A month?!"

"Yeah. It's not that small Beomgyu."

Even more upset, Beomgyu shoved a box of cereal into his cart and yelled "yeah! Well! A lot has changed and I'd love to fucking show you around!"

Kai took a second to make sure he heard that correctly. "Huh?"

Beomgyu was just as surprised as the blonde. "I've changed..."

"How? Because you suck dick now?"

Beomgyu found himself unintentionally smiling when the blonde did. "I didn't hear a no. Does that mean you'll go out with me?"

Kai couldn't believe the older had the audacity to ask. Beomgyu was the reason he almost killed himself. He was the reason he begged to die before he fell asleep each night. Graduating high school was like graduating from hell. Voluntarily walking back into it felt like suicide. "No. I believe you changed but to me, you'll always be the person you were in high school."

"Are you?"


"See? I'm not either. Let me prove it."

"Maybe in another life."

Beomgyu watched Kai walk away. The blonde would always remain his biggest regret. Next time he saw him, he would honor Kai's wishes and walk in the other direction.

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