🥬Yeonkai- The New Kid

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Hyuka proudly stood outside of the school doors in his freshly ironed school uniform. On his clipboard was the file of the newest student to the academy of magical and mutative arts. Yeonjun Choi. Age 16 years old. Set to be a junior. Average grades from his last school but exceptional talent. A wide array of clubs he participated in were also listed on the file. Yeonjun seemed to be either captain or co-captain of all of them.

Impressed, he flipped the page to see his abilities. He saw the rundown of why he was selected to be here and how he was discovered. Yeonjun was discovered by one of the teachers when a viral video of him was filmed at the local zoo. He was seen morphing into the various animals he came across. A particularly memorable one was when he turned into a lion. He seemed to challenge the other male behind the bars. It became an alpha contest that almost killed the real lion for trying to charge at him. His parents were forced to pay for the lion's surgery and make a large donation in exchange for not pressing charges.

Hyuka read that again to make sure he was really reading that correctly. "Idiot. No wonder your grades suck."

The second paragraph described his abilities when he was screened by the school.

Therianthropy. The ability to turn into any animal at will.

Increased endurance. Classed between a track olympian and a mutant.

Higher intelligence in languages. Hyuka was most impressed that he was ranked at the top of the school in this category. Yeonjun seemed to be able to speak and read any language, past or present. It made sense. If he can speak to any animals in their forms then humanity variations weren't too far of a stretch.

Last was what everyone in the school had. Immunity to human diseases.

Hyuka looked behind him when he heard Soobin, his best friend, running in his direction. "Hey! What's up?"

"Waiting to see who the fresh meat is. He isn't here yet?"

"No but there's still time." Hyuka saw those canine teeth expose themself as Soobin's eyes glowed pale blue. He warned "don't even think about it."

"What?!" Soobin laughed as he retracted his teeth. "I wasn't going to eat him. Wouldn't be strong enough anyways. Full moon isn't for another week."

"How's Beomgyu holding up?"

"Not great. Taehyun is still in the hospital."

"But he's okay?"

"How you managed to take him down without killing him is beyond me."

Hyuka smiled to himself while he flipped through the files one last time. "Skill."

"The drug won't hold forever you know. The voice will eventually come back inside of his head."

"I'd expect nothing less from my father."

"And Beomgyu?"

"What about him? I didn't make him fall in love with a Djinn. He knew what he was getting into when he freed him."

"I don't think he accounted for your father trying to possess him."

Hyuka dramatically flipped the pages down then put his hand on his hip. "We both know how they end Soobin. I'm more surprised Beomgyu hasn't killed him yet considering how many times Taehyun did to him. I love him but he really should've asked for my opinion on his wishes before he wished them."

"Yeah it's going to be interesting to see what happens after we graduate. We still moving into a little house in the mountains?"

"About that."


"Wait! It's not bad! I was thinking that it should be by the water too. That way if my father visits, I'll have an advantage."

"Can a devil drown?"

"No idea. Hopefully we never need to test it." Hyuka and Soobin looked up to see the new kid step foot on the campus. He had big dorky glasses yet he looked elegant in his stride. "There's Yeonjun. I'll introduce you guys later."

"See ya."

Yeonjun clutched onto the strap of his bag in his nerves. He had never been surrounded with kids exactly like him let alone as powerful as himself. He thought he was one in a million. Turns out he was one of thousands.

At the top of his class schedule, a note was written to find "Kamal" waiting for him out front for his tour. The school's representative. He heard rumors of the school's representative as a powerful being with even more powerful parents to match. He pictured an 8 foot strongman with hair that always flowed behind him.

To his surprise, this god-like child didn't look like Hercules or Kratos. He just looked a dorky, small, pale little kid. He actually looked rather cute. The urge to pinch his little cheeks was high. For a second, he assumed he walked up to the wrong person but the name tag clearly said "Kamal" on it. "Um. Hi? I'm Yeonjun Choi."

"Hi Yeonjun! I'm Kamal but you can call me Hyuka. Everyone else does!"

Yeonjun shook his hand. It was baby soft to match his baby face. "You're Kamal?"

Hyuka looked at him funny. He began to question if he introduced himself in his head or if he actually said it outloud. "Yes? That is my name..."

"Sorry, I just heard rumors and you're... I'm going to shut up now. Sorry. Again."

Hyuka quietly laughed to himself as he lead Yeonjun into the school. "What did you hear about me?"

"What didn't I hear? Is it true your parents are the God and Devil themselves? Is it true it's impossible to defeat you? Is it true that there's two sides of you?!"

"Whoa! Slow down!"

Yeonjun stopped by an empty locker. He correctly assumed it was his and started to put his stuff in it. "Sorry! I've just never been around people like me before! I have so many questions!"

"I can see that! Well, to answer your earlier ones... Yes, no one has defeated me in a fight but I do have weaknesses so it's not impossible. My dad is the Devil. My mom isn't God. She's just an angel. What was the other question? Oh yeah! My father's side has only come out twice in my life. This version of me that you see now is what I am 99% of the time. An angel. It takes a lot to get me that mad."

"What got you that mad? You don't have to tell me."

Hyuka shrugged. Everyone in the school knew. What was one more person? "First time was when my parents seperated and my dad refused to let me see my mom. Second time was recently actually. Two friends of mine are dating. One becomes possessed every once in a while so he tries to kill his boyfriend. It's a whole thing but he actually did almost kill him this time so I changed to protect him when the lighter tactics weren't working."


"Yup. That's my life. So what made you want to challenge a lion?"

Yeonjun's face shaded to a shiny tomato red. "Oh god, does everyone here know that?"

"The video went pretty viral!"

"It's not exactly something that I'm proud of... I was trying to be funny. I didn't think anything bad would happen."

"Please, that's light compared to what other people have done here. My best friend is a werewolf. He's literally killed people." Hyuka quickly corrected himself when he saw Yeonjun's eyes pop open. "On accident of course."

That didn't make Yeonjun feel any better. If anything, his attitude switched from embarassed to terrified.

Hyuka threw his arm around the blonde's shoulders then started to walk to their next location on the tour. "You're going to be just fine here. Welcome to the academy. I can't wait to see what you can do!"

Yeonjun began to smile when he saw a girl grow yellow butterfly wings. Another kid burped a ball of fire. A couple held hands while floating down the hall. A fourth drank a vile of what he assumed to be blood and no one batted and eye about it. He finally found a place where he was accepted. This year was going to be great. He couldn't wait to get started.

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