🍿Beomkai- At His Side

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Kai couldn't stop staring at himself in the mirror. He hated what he saw. Royal robes, a crown, Choi family jewels? It wasn't him. What he hated most was his new hair color. His mother had black hair that shined like pavement in the rain. When she passed, that was the one thing that he inherited that reminded him of her. The blonde color looked nice but it just wasn't him.

Beomgyu walked up to his side to admire how they looked together. The mage was upset. That was obvious. Sympathetically, he asked "hey. You feeling okay? Anything I can do for you?"

"I'm fine."

"I know this has been hard. I don't know what I can do to make it easier for you. I just thought you'd enjoy your freedom..."

"I don't feel like I'm free."

"What is freedom to you then?"

Freedom to Kai was being able to be with Soobin without fear. Beomgyu treated him like a shiny prize. Soobin treated him like a person. He missed Soobin so much that it hurt.

Beomgyu didn't want to show him this but the inauguration was in 10 minutes. He pulled out a photograph from his dress coat pocket and showed it to Kai. "He moved on. I don't just want you for your power Kai. I want you for you."

The photograph depicted Soobin with the royal guard assigned to report to Beomgyu. Taehyun Kang. They were sitting together by the royal fountain admiring the sunset behind. Glasses of pink wine were in their hands. Rose petals were scattered around. They looked happy. Kai hated himself for how upset he was when Soobin was never his in the first place. He started to question if Beomgyu's feelings were true or if they were a deception like he assumed. The photo was tossed into the fire. He looked back at Beomgyu with a half sincere smile and declared "I'm ready."

Beomgyu took his arm to admire them in the mirror once more. "This will be good. The world is going to acknowledge who you are! The most powerful person in a world that you had to hide from! You're the power of the south that unites us in the north. I only hope that one day you'll be as honored to stand by my side as I am to stand by yours."

Kai watched him walk away when the Prince was summoned by his parents. He mumbled "I'm the symbol of the south..." For the first time since his freedom, he acknowledged his role. For the first time in his life, he felt pride in his power. Beomgyu gave him that. Beomgyu gave him everything. He missed Soobin terribly but maybe it was time to move on like he did. With his robes straightened, he walked out of his bedroom to the royal balcony.

Beomgyu was going over his lines in his head. He was concentrating so hard that he didn't hear Kai step behind him. Only his mother speaking broke his concentration. He turned around to see the Queen gushing over how wonderful the mage looked. Beomgyu teased "power looks good on you." He offered his hand then asked "are you ready?"

Kai stepped up and gladly took it. "Lead the way your highness."

Soobin stood in the crowd at Taehyun's side, staring up at the royal balcony, and whispered "do you think he misses me?"

"I think if what you told me is true then he certainly does."

"I can't wait to speak to him again."

"Listen, I should warn you that Prince Beomgyu wants Kai. It's not a secret. I think he took a picture of us at the garden last night."

"Why do you say that?"

Taehyun looked around to make sure Yeonjun wasn't in the area. "Because I heard him talking to the Prince last night about Kai. He said 'this should change his mind' and then handed over a picture. I only saw it briefly but-"

"Kai thinks we're dating now..."

"Yes. I believe so Sire."

"I'll tell him the truth! Tonight after the royal dinner!"

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