🃏TXT- Suits- Part Two

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The Spade. The symbol of labor.

Yeonjun hated cleaning his guns until Kai started doing it with him. There was something about his boyfriend's presence that made everything more enjoyable. "You're so fucking cute. You know that?"

Soft blush rose to Kai's cheeks. "Thank you..." Being constantly flirted with felt great. It was refreshing to have someone want him for once. He also never truly noticed how sweet Yeonjun could be until they started dating. The older's love language was very physical. He found himself wrapped in his arms quite often despite their height difference. Romance was still new to him. Sometimes, he wasn't sure how to respond to the weird things his boyfriend did. Yeonjun only insisted his awkwardness made him cuter.

Soobin frustratingly peeled carrots while pretending to not notice the couple sitting on the couch. Orange and yellow peels were flying everywhere but the bowl in front of him. His frustrations only grew when it came time to peel the potatoes.

Beomgyu rolled his eyes. "Are you gonna be like this during the heist?"

"I'm just fine."

"One of your potato scraps hit my face!"

"Then move your face!"

"How are you older than me?! You're such a child!"

Taehyun came home to see the two youngest Chois arguing again. He didn't have the patience to deal with them. Instead, he walked over to the couple taking turns smearing gun oil on their faces. "Ugh, Kai don't let him bring you down to his level."

Yeonjun became jokingly offended. "My level?!"

Kai laughed in the background. Taehyun explained "yeah, you're setting a bad example for our baby of the group!"

"He's my baby." Yeonjun kissed one of the cleaner spots on Kai's cheek. After seductively biting his lip, he whispered "I have a can of body chocolate in my bedroom."

Taehyun gagged from hearing that. "ANYWAYS! The scouting went well. They're transporting the painting tonight. It's supposed to arrive at the docks in a few hours. The ship has a French origin."

"Sweet!" Beomgyu ran to sit on the floor next to Taehyun. "We got a buyer?"

Kai wiped his fingers off with a rag. He then typed a couple things into his phone. "We got a buyer. One second." The phone was laid on the table for everyone to see. "Private art collector flying in tonight."

Soobin walked over and sat next to Kai. "We trust him?"

"Yeah. Buyer is from China. He owns a lot of lesser pieces from famous artists in hopes they become more valuable one day. He's convinced that after this one dies, this piece will make him millions."

Beomgyu's eyes lit up from the thought of millions of dollars. Snapping back to reality, he happily said "as long as his cash is legit, I don't care!"

Yeonjun asked "what are our roles Soobin?"

Soobin thought about it for a second. Ideally, he would want Kai with him at all times but that's not what they usually did. He was usually paired with either Taehyun or Yeonjun to balance them out. Figuring it was smart not to change what wasn't broken, he assigned everyone a task. "How many uniforms did we get? Two?"

Taehyun answered "three."

"Perfect. Taehyun, Kai and Beomgyu will be posing as the new employees. Yeonjun, I'll have you be the driver and one of the snippers. I'll be the other one incase something goes wrong. This should be a simple job. It's not a high profile painting."

Yeonjun was satisfied. "Sounds great. How will we know which crate it's in?"

"We don't. That's the younger three's job. They'll have to scan the containers to load the contents onto the correct trucks. We just need to intercept the right truck. Simple enough?"

"Hold on." Beomgyu wasn't sure it was going to be as easy as Soobin assumed. "Museums trade collections. Not singular pieces. It'll probably end up in an armored truck. Not a box trailer."

Taehyun explained "even easier. Less freight to dig through then. We can either kill the drivers before the pieces are brought into the basement or we can break into the museum itself. What time is the buyer meeting us?"


"Damn." Beomgyu, like everyone else in the group, calculated that they only had four hours to pull everything off. "Guess we can't fuck up then. So which is it?"

Kai suggested "what if one or two of us posed as museum employees? We could be there to sign off on the delivery."

Soobin asked "one less person? That's risky."

"I was thinking two actually. It's more believable and I think a three man team is perfectly fine for the shipyard job. Two on the actual dock and the driver for backup. Once the shipping crew is done, they can monitor the museum crew incase things go south."

"Okay. Then who would be where?"

Beomgyu claimed "I want the shipping yard! It would be cool to meet some of those guys!" No one argued with him.

Kai claimed "I should be on the museum job incase the drivers want to talk about art. No one here knows art like I do."

"Right... your dad collects them." Yeonjun grabbed onto Kai's arm and clinged to his side. "I want the museum job too."

"Hold on." Soobin was against it not only because of his jealousy but also because Yeonjun was the best in the field. If things were to go wrong, it would be at the shipyard. Not the museum. "You should be with Beomgyu incase his mouth gets him into trouble again."

"And why can't you or Taehyun do that?"

"Your aim is better and you know it. Taehyun can provide cover support."

"So you're giving yourself the museum job?"

"It makes the most sense!"

"That's fucking convenient."

Taehyun interjected "guys stop. Soobin is right. Yeonjun, you need to be in the shipyard with Beomgyu if we want the best chance of securing this painting."

It was four against one. Yeonjun hated Soobin's stupid little smile. "Fine. I'll be on the ground with Beomgyu." Kai kissing his cheek made him feel better. "Don't miss me too much baby."

Soobin quietly grumbled "he won't" to himself.

Kai turned his head when he didn't quite hear what the other blonde said. "What was that?"

"Nothing. Sorry."

Beomgyu grabbed his phone and googled facts about the museum. He then googled random photos and found the employee uniform. There wasn't really one. The most important part was the metal name tag and the lanyard name badge. The rest was professional looking attire. He sent Kai a photo of the badge. "Can you photoshop a couple of these?"


Soobin rested his chin on Kai's shoulder. "Just a button down and dress pants? Why didn't we start stealing art earlier?"

Kai teased "you didn't think of it until I suggested it."

"Yeah... you're amazing."

Yeonjun was done with them. "Are we finished now? We need to prep for tonight."

Soobin sighed. "We're finished. Everyone know their roles?" The group nodded. "Alright. Let's go then."

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