🐔Tyunning- Yandere

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"Oh... my... god...." Taehyun rolled off of Kai absolutely out of breath in his California king sized bed.

Kai stared at the victorian tile ceiling with a large smile on his face. The soft yellow lights kept going from clear to blurry as the high wore off. "Yeah?"

"Soobin really is a fucking moron."

Kai quietly laughed to himself while pulling Taehyun onto his chest. His chin then rested on his head after he kissed his forehead. "Not that I'm upset but why'd you ask me out?"

"Thought you were hot."

"Aren't you and Soobin friends though?"

"If you can call it that. Why?"

"I just thought it might be a little weird for you and for me."

"Why for you?"

Kai kissed Taehyun's forehead again and pulled the blanket over both of them. "I figured I might see him again if we're going to be doing this more often."

"I want to... and I don't just mean random hookups."

"You mean dating?"

"Something like that." Taehyun eagerly peaked upwards to see what the blonde was thinking. "We don't have to but I thought it would be nice...you know if you want. Soobin isn't an issue if that's what you're worried about. He goes through like 4 people a month. I doubt he'd care if he saw you around me."

Kai thought about it for a second longer than he knew Taehyun was comfortable with. It was a big decision. One he didn't necessary want or had time for so he decided to let him down easy. "You're really sweet but I don't think I can. At least not right now."


"I know it sounds cheesey but it's not you. I don't really have the time to commit to a relationship with my job and college."

Taehyun sighed against the blonde's chest. "I'll make time... I can visit you at college! We can do lunch breaks and I can send you gifts when I'm traveling!"

Kai stared at the ceiling with a blank expression. The tiles were starting to become more interesting by the second. "You're very sweet but you don't even know me."

"After what we just did? I really want to."

Kai teased "oh come on. You can get it anytime with anyone you want. You check off a lot of boxes on people's ideal lists."

Taehyun rolled on top of the blonde. "How about yours? What are you looking for?"

"I'm not sure. I've honestly been so busy that I haven't even thought about it."

Taehyun's irises practically doubled in sized as his hope continued to grow. "Think about it now!"

All Kai was thinking about was how much of a mistake he made by sleeping with this guy. "No" didn't seem like a suitable answer no matter how he worded it. When he first took his job, he swore he would never get involved with rich clients like some of his co-workers did. It always ended horribly for them. A lesson he was learning right now. One he could've avoided had he not given Soobin his time two weeks ago. "Um... smart? Sweet? Cute I guess?"

"I'm all those things!"

"Right... well listen. It's getting late so I should-"

"-right. You have work or classes."

"Exactly." Kai sat up then dressed as quickly as he could. "Have a good night Taehyun."

Taehyun sat up with a large grin still on his face. "You too! I'll see you soon!"

Kai hoped he wouldn't while he practically ran out the door. Over the next few days, random gifts were sent to his apartment. All were too expensive for his taste and all had a note attached with Taehyun's number. He wasn't even sure how the shorter found his address in the first place. When the 5th gift in two weeks came in, he decided to call the number with full intentions of ending their little misunderstanding. "Hello? Is this Taehyun?"

"I knew you'd call me!"

"Yeah... right... while the gifts are lovely, please stop sending them to me. I don't want them. It's a waste of money."

"It got you to call me didn't it?"

"Only to-"

"-it's not a waste of money Kai! Believe me! I have plenty of money to waste!" Taehyun put his phone on speaker so he could type and talk at the same time. The next gift he was going to give was two VIP tickets to a concert. A perfect date for his perfect obsession.

"Taehyun! I told you! I'm not interested!"

"But I check your boxes! You weren't interested in Soobin yet you gave him a chance! So I'm not going to stop until you do the same for me!"

"That was different!"

"How was that different?!"

Kai wanted to pound his head on the nearest bookshelf to him. "Because I knew Soobin wasn't looking for anything serious! I thought you weren't either!"

"I wasn't until Soobin told me how much he liked being with you and he was right! I love being with you! We're good together!"

"He did not say any of that! HE left ME!"

"Okay fine. He didn't say exactly those words but... wait..." Taehyun peaked over to see Soobin sternly talking to his assistant. His jealousy grew along with his hatred. "Why do you care?"

"I don't but you're not making any sense Taehyun!"

"YOU LIKE HIM DON'T YOU?!" Soobin, and everyone else in the office, briefly looked in his direction before going back to doing their own thing. The Choi was no longer his friend. He was a problem stopping him from his future with his blonde.

"NO! Fuck. I don't have time for this. Don't call me, text me or send me any other gifts. Please. Spoil someone who actually wants you back."

Taehyun was disgusted to see he was hung up on. His anger grew. He looked towards Soobin's direction to see him looking at a text on his phone. His gut told him it was a message from Kai. It wasn't but he marched over regardless. The assistant was told to leave so they could be alone in the glass office. "What did Kai just say?!"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I haven't talked to Kai in weeks."

"You're lying!"

Soobin slowly stood up to tower over who dared to challenge him. "I'm not but watch your fucking tone with me. Got it?!"

Taehyun wasn't scared. The bigger the problem, the bigger the reward at the end. "He's not yours! You let him go! I'm not making that mistake!"

"Sounds like you don't even have him in the first place if you're so worried I'm fucking him behind your back."


"You're right. I'm not." Soobin sat down in sinister amusement from watching Taehyun fall apart. He knew they were both mentally unstable but at least he was aware of it. "You know something? Just because of this, I kinda want too. I'll give him a call later. Now leave my fucking office."

Taehyun picked up Soobin's phone and threw it in the garbage with so much force that the screen cracked. He then tossed $1,000 in cash into the air and left with a middle finger.

Five minutes later, Kai got a call from who he suspected to be Soobin on his way to class. He immediately sent the number to voicemail and hoped that part of his life would be over soon.

Short Stories-Kai Ships Only! Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now