🌐Beomkai- Yes

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Week 26.

Kai still hadn't spoken a word to him.

There was a of couple times where Beomgyu swore he heard something while they were having sex but it wasn't anything he could pinpoint. He was dying to know what his voice sounded like.

Written words weren't enough. Body language was close but it wasn't the same. He knew he could speak because the medical examiner told him he could. He just chose not to.

Beomgyu leaned against the door to admire the way Kai sat on the windowsill. The blonde liked to watch the bird's nest in the oak tree across. His day was horrible but seeing him always made it better.

Kamal was only watching the bird's nest to distract himself for how guilty he felt for all the lives he took. Watching new life hatch in that nest always eased his mind. A small smile came when the mother robin flew back to her babies. He was fascinated watching them eat from her mouth. It was gross but that was nature.

A red flare shot from the sky nearly a mile away. Beomgyu didn't know it but it was a message from the enemy troops letting Kamal know they got his letter. For a while, he suspected the blonde had something to do with all of their failed attacks. The enemy always seemed to know when they were coming and where.

However, he couldn't bring himself to confront him because he loved him. He didn't want to know the person he felt safe with was the cause of them losing the war. It would disgrace him. It would completely obliterate his entire family's reputation. Worst of all, he'd lose the fantasy he had been living in.

The pressure on Beomgyu to confront the blonde was enormous. When his father threatened to interrogate Kai himself, he knew he had to do it. Unlike a normal interrogation for a potential spy, he didn't want to hurt him.

His palms began to sweat as he watched the blonde. His mind was begging him to get it over with. Locking eyes with Kai caused his heart to break. There was sadness behind them. The blonde seemed to know what was about to happen before he even told him. All he could tell him was "I'm sorry."

Kamal hung his head and nodded. He then reached over to grab a pen and a notebook from the desk. This wasn't going to end well. In his mind, he was already dead. Knowing Beomgyu seemed to dread it as much as he did made him feel a little better. "Before we start, can I kiss you?"

Beomgyu sat on the other end of the windowsill and nervously looked at the paper. "God yes." Their kiss felt more passionate than every other time because they knew it might be their last. He kept kissing him so it would last longer. After it ended, he could've sworn the blonde was about to say something. His mouth hung open like he wanted to. Nervously, Beomgyu whispered "what do you want to tell me?"

Kamal ran his fingers across the older's cheek and tucked some of his hair behind his ears. He then looked into his eyes to memorize the loving way he was being looked at. That look was going to disappear soon. The tension between them was kissed away after he decided he wanted to feel one more.

Beomgyu was left breathless after it ended. His eyes accidentally glanced at the pen and paper in Kai's lap. A grim reminder of what he had been putting off. He slowly leaned back against the edge of the window and asked "you're American aren't you?"

Kamal debated on lying to him but he knew Beomgyu would've seen right through it. Instead of writing, he only nodded "yes".

That was the first thing Beomgyu knew but didn't want to hear. "And you can speak Korean?"

Kamal nodded again.

"What's your real name?"

"Kamal. Everyone calls me Kai though."

"Have you been telling your general what I've told you?" Beomgyu knew the answer after he watched the blonde hover his pen over the piece of paper. "Have you told him everything?"


"What haven't you told him?"

"Where your parents really live so you'd have somewhere safe to go when you lose."

Beomgyu didn't know whether he wanted to cry, strangle him or kiss him. Re-reading that made him believe his feelings weren't one sided. He had no idea if the blonde loved him back. He hadn't even told him himself. If this was going to be their last time together before he was forced to turn him in, he had to know. "Do you love me?"

Kamal dropped the notebook and the pen to the floor. He then stared out the window and tried not to cry. The mother bird was gone. Her babies were left defenseless just like he was. In the faintest whisper, he mumbled "yes."

Beomgyu immediately started to cry from hearing his voice. Light yet deep. Sweet yet tainted with sorrow. Six months of silence was worth it to hear him speak. "You-you love me?" Beomgyu cupped Kai's tear soaked cheek to gently turn it so they could face each other.

Seeing Beomgyu cry only made Kamal's tears fall harder. "Yes..."

"Are you telling the truth?!"


Beomgyu kissed him again without another wasted second. His heart broke from the thought of what was awaiting the blonde. Needing air ruined their moment. If he didn't have to breathe, the kiss wouldn't have had to stop. In a broken whisper, he mumbled "God, I love you too..."

In perfect English, Kamal said "I wish things were different."

In equally perfect English, Beomgyu responded "I do too. And I'm so sorry..."

Kamal looked up to see two soldiers storm into the room. He didn't bother fighting back. All he did was look at the older as he was dragged away in handcuffs. In perfect English, a language he knew only him and the older spoke, he weakly said "don't be. I forgive you."

Beomgyu fell to his knees. Seeing his father standing behind the blonde forced him to his feet. He tried to interfere but it was no use. In Korean, he started shouting "LET HIM GO! THAT IS AN ORDER! KAI!" His father was holding him back but that didn't stop him from trying. "STOP! BRING HIM BACK HERE! PLEASE!"

Kai was tossed into a cell with the door quickly slammed behind him. A tiny six inch window was all he had for light. He was lucky he even got that. He knew most of the cells didn't have one. Through it, he saw three red flares flash across the sky. Rescue was coming.

Two hopes came to mind.

One. He hoped he wouldn't be killed before the troops came.

Two. The one he hoped for more than the first one; he hoped Beomgyu would get to live.

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