🪩Sookai- Voicemail

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1am. Rain lightly pattered the windows of Soobin's apartment. A half empty bottle of beer was barely grapsed in his fingertips. His 5th one of the night.

"I'm coming back okay?" That's what his roommate, Beomgyu, told him. "Don't drink anymore. I'm getting you some coffee and water."

Soobin ignored that as he finished off his 5th bottle. One left in the fridge. His drunk self demanded it. He needed it. The cap popped off of the top in his depression. He slumped down the fridge wall as he took a large swig of cheap therapy. His cellphone screen was still a photo of him and Kai together on their 2nd anniversary. Though Beomgyu told him not to, he gave in and called him.

Kai didn't answer. It would've been a miracle if he did. His angelic voice said "hi! It's Kai! Sorry I missed you! Leave a message after the beep! Or text me. I'd actually would rather have you text me. Was that good Taehyun? Wait, what do you mean I'm still recording? Huh? Oh shit! Sorry! Leave a message! Bye!"

"Kai?" Soobin decided to leave a message after swallowing half of the bottle in one go. He started smiling because it was hilarious how unbelievably pathetic he felt. Too much time had passed. The system hung up on him. Tears fell when he called back. He missed his voice so much. Not hearing it anymore broke him beyond repair.

The line beeped. "Kai? I just... wanted to hear your voice again. God, I know you would've wanted me to move on but I can't. And you know what? I don't fucking want to either! How could you leave me?! Why was it so easy for you to leave me?! You were, no. Not were. You ARE my everything! You leaving left me empty. I'm pathetic and you're fucking SELFISH!"

Soobin sobbed as he took another swig. The rain pouring down harder only added to his pain. "You said you would never leave me! You said we would be together forever! We were going to get married! We were going to adopt a dog and have kids! My entire life was around you and you still left me even though you fucking promised you wouldn't. You selfish ASSHOLE!"

Light thunder rumbled in the background. The last few drops of beer dribbled from Soobin's lips. He sloppily wiped them off with the back of his hand then sat there exhausted. Tears dripped onto the floor. His cheeks were soaked. He didn't bother to wipe his eyes knowing he couldn't stop crying if he wanted to.

"Kai? I... I didn't mean any of that. I'm in so much pain. I'm so fucking broken. I can't believe you're gone. I'm nothing without you. Why did you leave? I should've told you that I loved you sooner. I should've told you how special you are. How I love you more than I've ever loved anyone else. You're everything to me... I'd do anything for one more second with you. God knows I'd die for you. The most amazing thing is that you loved me back. You never made me feel like a second thought. You always put me first before yourself. You're the most pure person I've ever had the fucking honor of knowing and I fucking FAILED you!"

Soobin tossed the bottle across the room, aiming for the trash can. He missed. It broke against the wall. He didn't care enough to clean it up. He stared at his homescreen of the day they got engaged and allowed himself to smile because Kai did in the picture. His voice broke when he pleaded "come back to me? Even if it's in another lifetime? Give me a second chance. I'll make it worth it. We don't have to be anyone special to the world. I just want to be special to you. I love you Hyuka... I always will. Goodbye."

Beomgyu came home to see Soobin passed out on the kitchen floor. His step crunched over the broken glass. He set his bags down then quickly cleaned it up. When he threw the contents away, he saw Soobin's phone loosely in his hand. His roommate's password was easy. Kai's birthday. 0814 unlocked it. "Oh Soobin." He saw the 30 minute long call in his caller history. He grabbed his own phone to call Kai. The message played again. After the beep, he apologized saying "hey Kai? I'm sorry. I know you haven't heard Soobin's message yet but can you please delete it? He's really drunk. It won't happen again. I'm sorry. And um... I miss you too. Don't worry about him okay? I'm taking care of him. Bye..."

With a lot of struggle, Beomgyu managed to drag Soobin onto the couch. A small trashcan and a bottle of water were placed in front of him just incase. He then grabbed a spare blanket and laid it over him. "See you in the morning Soobin." Just as he was about to go to bed, the doorbell rang. He peaked out the window. Standing in the hall was Kai with soaking wet hair. "That's impossible..."

"Soobin? Beomgyu? Hello?"

Beomgyu opened the door. He stood there in complete shock. His eyes started watering when his brain concluded Kai was really there. That this wasn't some sort of sick illusion. He ran into his arms without another word. To feel his warmth again made him sob into his sweater. "You're alive..."

"I'm alive..."

Beomgyu pulled back to punch his shoulder. "YOU'RE FUCKING ALIVE?! HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO ME?! TO SOOBIN?!" Beomgyu forcefully shoved him away. He didn't realize how hard he pushed him until Kai slammed his back against the wall. The younger fell on his ass, holding his head. "I'M SORRY! I'M SO SORRY!"

"I'm fine..." Kai looked up when he saw his best friend kneel down in front of him. "How-how is he?"

Beomgyu wiped his tears away as he sat down. "You got the message?"

"All of them..."

"How could you do that to him? To me?"

"It wasn't my choice."

"You're full of shit."

Kai tilted his head to the side to see if he could see Soobin through the open door. All he saw was his hand peaking out from the edge of the couch. "I didn't want to leave either of you."

"Then why did you?!"

"I shouldn't say..."

"Kai... I'm your best friend despite what Taehyun believes." Beomgyu softly smiled when the younger did. "What can't you tell me?"

Kai looked at his watch. "I have to go."

"GO?! What-"

"Tell him I'm sorry okay?"

Beomgyu ran after the younger. He kept trying to grab his wrist but Kai consistently managed to yank it away. "Where are you going?! What are you doing?! STOP! STOP LEAVING!" The lobby door burst open when he shoved his body against it. He saw his best friend being taken away in handcuffs. "Kai?" An officer closed the door once the younger was inside. "HEY! YOU CAN'T-"

The car drove away. Beomgyu didn't understand what was going on. He just stood there in the rain, unable to decide if he should tell Soobin Kai was alive or let him believe he was still dead.

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