♣️Beomkai- Saviors

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Beomgyu couldn't stop laughing while he aggressively turned the steering wheel.

"A zombie isn't going to kill me. It's YOU!" Kai clutched the handle inside of the passenger door for dear life. His body slammed into the side on a sharp left turn. His black bandana flew off of his forehead when Beomgyu made a sudden right turn for no reason. "YOU'RE INSANE!"

The car's bumper smacked the pavement when they rapidly rolled over a pile of dead zombies. "Do you want to save people or not?!"

"We can't save people if we're dead!"

"You need to calm down. I've only crashed once."


Beomgyu's laughter echoed throughout the streets. With the push of a button, he opened the sunroof. The drone ahead warned of a survivor three miles away with a hoard of zombies chasing after them. His eyes lit up when he saw them from a distance. "Can I please do this one? Please?!"

"No! Don't you dare let go of the wheel like you did last time!"


Kai grabbed his shotgun from the backseat and stood up. "Activate it."

Beomgyu happily pressed the red button on his phone. The drone overhead, opened it's bottom compartment. The countdown from ten began. "COVER YOUR EARS!"

Kai already had his earplugs and ear muffs on. He closed his left eye and focused his aim, directly in the middle of the running hoard.

At second zero, the drone blasted a series of deafening sounds. Zombies stopped in their tracks, crying loudly of agony. Kai shot once. Three of them went down. Another shot took two more. Lead shells bounced off of the roof of the car like metal hail. His empty clip was tossed into the backseat. A full one replaced it. Zombies were dropping like flies at his mercy. When a path to the survivors was clear, he plopped down back into his seat.

"YES! THAT WAS AWESOME!" Beomgyu grinned from ear to ear as his foot pressed harder on the gas. "I LOVE MY LIFE!"

The survivors were coming into view at a faster rate than Kai was comfortable with. "SLOW DOWN! OH MY GOD!" Their faces went from blurs to detailed. He could see the color of their eyes. They looked as scared as he was. The engine kept roaring and the older kept laughing. "THIS IS WHY I GO ALONE!"

Beomgyu slammed on the brakes. The car stopped just before it hit the young couple. Still filled with delight, he turned to Kai and asked "see? Wasn't that fun?!"

"I'll deal with you later." The adrenaline high turned into a furious low. Kai got out of the car with the shotgun still pointed towards the couple incase they were bitten. His leather mask was raised over his lips. Beomgyu started to walk with him. "You two. We're here to bring you to safety. Put your hands up."

The man held his girlfriend closely. His voice quivered when he asked "why?"

"So we can inspect you for bites."

Their hands went up. Kai kept his gun on them while Beomgyu walked around. The man kept reassuring his girlfriend everything was going to be okay. A fact he was trying to convince himself of as he stared down the barrel of the shotgun.

Beomgyu grabbed the girl's wrist. It was free of bites. Just before he cleared them, he had a hunch something about her was wrong. His leather glove was pulled up to his elbow. He then carefully rolled up her dirty yellow sleeve to see what he suspected. "She was bitten. He's fine."

The girl shrieked. The man stepped back only to have her grab his ankle. She pleaded "please don't leave me! I won't hurt you!"

Kai kept his finger on the trigger. "She's a goner. You're not. You can stay or you can come with us. Choose."

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