🐔Sookai- Tsundere

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Breakups are never easy to do.

Cowards text it or leave a message in their partner's voicemail.

Idiots do it during important occasions.

Inexperienced people feed bullshit lies to soften to blow.

But Soobin? Soobin decided to be straightforward with Kai. He wanted it to be done and over with so they could both move on.

Something he believed his entire life was that he was a lone wolf. No one was there for him so he refused to be there for others. Blackmailing was a specialty. His success at such a young age was partly because of it. That was the business side of his mentality.

The relationship side had him believe people only wanted him if they had something selfish to gain. He had money. Perhaps they wanted that. He knew he was attractive so maybe they wanted to make themselves look better by having him at their side. He also had a high social status within elite communities. Maybe they just saw him as a key to their real targets. Either way, people were awful so he never held onto anyone longer than two weeks.

Kai hit his two week mark.

They met at a charity convention. Soobin was ignoring his date while playing on his phone. Kai was one of the waiters passing out hors d'oeuvres. He personally didn't care about the blonde until his date did. "Who are you looking at? You're here with me."

"No one! Sorry..."

"You might as well tell me who. We both know I lost interest in you last week." His date awkwardly pointed at the blonde in the corner laughing with another patron. Soobin was more disgusted someone of a higher status was associating with a servant. Then, as the night went on, more attendees seemed to notice what his date did. The blonde had a charm that Soobin didn't understand. People were nearly in line to talk to him so he figured he'd see what the big deal was. "Hello."


Soobin thought the blonde stranger was weak for not being able to look him in the eye. What he didn't know was that Kai didn't care about him either. Him or any of the people trying to talk to him. "I'm Soobin Choi. What's your name?"

Kai pointed to his nametag then attempted to finish cleaning the table.

"Kai. What a pretty name."

"You really don't need to make small talk with me. I'm only here to wait on you."

Soobin liked the challenge. He thought maybe this blonde bambi wasn't as weak as he thought. "Isn't that apart of your job then? Making me feel serviced?"

Kai held back a string of profanities while putting the last dirty glass of wine in the tub. "I'm not for sale."

Soobin grabbed the shorter's tie and slowly pulled him in until only the dishtub seperated them. "EVERYTHING is for sale. How much to have you for the night?"

Kai timidly looked around to see if anyone was going to do something. His coworkers pretended like nothing was happening. After he realized no one was going to help him, he did his best to remain calm and professional. "Where's your date? I'm sure they're waiting for you."

"How'd you know I have one?" Soobin slipped his fingers into the knot on the blonde's tie and subtlety loosened it. "Been checking me out?"

"You wouldn't be here if you didn't have a date. It would make you look bad. That's common sense."

"Not so common these days." Soobin couldn't stop staring at Kai's lips. If there wasn't people around, he would've pinned him to the dirty table that he just cleared off. "What is it about you? Why do these shitheads even talk to you?"

Short Stories-Kai Ships Only! Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now