Sookai- Without A Trace

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That fight was the worst one Soobin had ever had. It was so stupid too. In anger, he screamed "I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" He never in a million years thought Kai would take that literally.

His boyfriend vanished since that awful night. There wasn't a day that went by where he didn't regret his words. Kai had now been missing for over a month and the police were no closer to finding him than day one.

Jealously started it all. Kai was upset Soobin had been hanging out with his ex who recently came into town. In his mind, they were just catching up. After all, his ex was happily married. In Kai's mind, they were spending too much time together to just be friends.

That argument quickly spiraled into thinking they weren't right for each other. Small frustrations blew up into massive problems. Soobin thought he tried harder in the relationship whereas Kai assumed he was unwanted at times.

The last spark before the final blow was Soobin blurting out that he was better off without him. Even in that moment, he had no idea why he said it because it wasn't true. Kai wasn't one to cry but hearing that did it. Soobin felt horrible yet the argument continued.

"I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" was the last thing he said to him. Kai obeyed his wish and stormed out of the house. Soobin chased after him to no use. Now, he'd do anything to see him again.

All he had to do was say he wasn't going to see his ex anymore. Pride kept him from doing it. If the roles were reversed, he wouldn't want Kai hanging out with an ex as much as he had with his ex either. Looking back on it made him completely understand his boyfriend's side. What was worse was knowing Kai was doing the same thing. Feeling sorry for something he didn't have to be sorry about. The younger would even apologize for what he did to make him smile again. That's if he was still alive.

They were soulmates. Soobin knew it in his heart. He enjoyed planning dates and figuring out their future. So why did he tell Kai he was the only one trying because of it? His boyfriend always made him feel loved. He brought home small gifts, gave him the bigger halves of food and insisted Soobin always got his way. That was their balance. One took care of the future and the other took care of the present. This present wasn't a gift. It was a hellish nightmare.

In his depression, Soobin did make a million plans for the future. He would first apologize for everything. The things he did do, the things he didn't do and the promises he was going to make.

After that, he was going to get Kai that dog they always talked about getting. The scruffy one at the shelter that no one wanted because she was seven and not a puppy.

Then, after things calmed down, he would buy that ring he saw at the mall. Kai wanted to get a necklace for his mom for mother's day so they went to a jewelry store. Soobin wasn't even looking for a ring but one in a nearby case caught his eye. He knew Kai would love it the second he saw it. He never forgot about that ring since.

Soobin's daydream was broken when he received a call from the police station. The detectives told him they recently found Kai's car and a black hoodie a couple miles away. They showed him a photo of what it looked like to confirm it was Kai's. With heavy sorrow, he said "yes". The hoodie was actually his own that the younger liked to steal. Totally black with a white melted skull on the front. One of his favorites.

Photos of Kai's car was sent to him next. Nothing looked out of the ordinary except for the flat tire. "What happened afterwards? What was he doing that far out of town?!"

The detective took a large sip of an energy drink then replied "we were actually going to ask you why Kai might have been out there. Any family or friends live in the area?"

"N-no! Or at least I don't think so!"

"That's all we have for now. If we find anything else, you'll be the first to know. If you can think of any reason he was there later then you have my number. Call or text me anytime okay?"

"Okay..." Soobin began to search his brain for a single reason Kai might've been that far away from the city. He wasn't exactly the adventerous "let's go for a hike!" type. Then again, maybe he pissed him off so much that he decided to go away for a while. That was the closest he could get to a plausible reason.

Completely defeated, he decided to turn on the T.V to the first thing that could distract him. The second channel he flipped to ended up being the local news. Just as he was about to change it, something forced his attention to the story. A woman was reporting a body found in a river. The description was a six foot tall, young male, who had bleached hair and brown eyes. His world stopped. Soobin started sobbing with the remote in his hand. Ugly tears came as he shakily picked up his phone to call the detective back. "Is-is-is he-"

"Take a deep breath. We don't know if it's him yet."


"Soobin. I need you to-"


"I can't confirm it yet. Once we get dental records, we'll let you know. I don't want to tell you something that might be wrong."

Soobin threw the remote across the room when the detective hung up. The woman reported this was the latest kill in a string of murders. All of the victims were young men with a description eerily similar to Kai. Tall, early twenties, dark brown eyes, colored hair and last seen alone on the side of the highway Kai's car was found on. All of the men were found with multiple stab wounds to the stomach and face. She ended her segment by warning men with those characteristics to call the police and a tow truck if they find themselves in unexpected car trouble.

"Why didn't you call the police baby?" Soobin sobbed into his palms. His stomach felt uneasy. Gravity felt twice as heavy on his shoulders. The entire world was coated with darkness because his sunshine may not ever be his again. "Why didn't you call me? I-I would've come to pick you up..."

The photo of them kissing on the coffee table seamed to mock him. It almost taunted "look at what you had. You'll never get this back. You remember this kiss like it was yesterday. You left it in the past just like you left him when you said you weren't going to stop seeing your ex. You deserve this Soobin because you never deserved him."

Soobin cried "I WANT HIM BACK!" The phone started ringing but he didn't hear it as he stared at the photo in his hand. "I want you back baby... please come back."

His phone rung again. This time, he answered. In a broken whisper, he asked "what?"

"It's not him."


"It's not him. The guy doesn't have any moles on his body. Didn't you say Kai had a few on his neck and chest?"


"We still don't know where he is but the guy in the river wasn't him. I'll call you again if we get anymore updates okay?"

Soobin breathed a shaky sigh of relief. "Okay. Thank you..." The odds of finding his sweetheart were almost zero since so much time had passed. One thing he promised himself to do was to never stop looking. Even if the police gave up, he was never going to stop. Kai was out there somewhere.

He had to be.

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