⚜️Yeonkai- Fever Dream

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Yeonjun couldn't sleep. It wasn't because the starry sky was hard to look away from or the fact that the dogs were out hunting right now. It was because he was waiting for the medicine to hit Kai.

One of the side effects, the most prominent one, was fever induced hallucinations. Once the fever was gone, Kai should feel healthier again. At least that was the hope. Yeonjun couldn't stop worrying he wouldn't.

Unlike Yeonjun, Kai was fast asleep, dreaming of himself as a child again.

He was 11 years old. It was three in the morning when his father shook him awake. He groaned "dad? What's going on?"

"Get up. You're training today."

"Training? What for?"

"The trials. You're going to be the best solider the world has ever seen. I guarantee it. Be downstairs in five minutes."

Kai raced out of bed the moment the door closed. The artificial sky began raining down on the city. He grabbed a light rainjacket and a warm track pants because of it. In exactly five minutes, he was downstairs and ready to go. To his surprise, his father was holding two sniper rifles. One in each hand. "Dad?"

"Here kid." David Huening handed his son one of the rifles. The gun was nearly the height of him. He couldn't wait until Kai hit puberty so it didn't look so ridiculous in his hands. "It's the same one as mine and now it's yours!"

"Wow!" Kai felt like it was Christmas morning. His dad's guns were always the most fun to fire. This one was the first he could call his own. "Thank you daddy!"

"You're welcome. Eat something now. We're not coming back for a while."

Complete dread replaced any sense of happiness he originally felt. "A while" could've meant any length of time. It also meant his rewards and punishments were food. Fail to aim and he'd be starved. The sandwich he took from the fridge, was eaten in slow bites as he sat in the car.

David warned "we're almost there and it's not coming with us."

Slow bites turned into eating so quickly he almost puked. Once the stealth suit was on, Kai had no idea when he would ever see food again.

Yeonjun saw Kai lightly sweating. Every once in a while, his brows furrowed in anger. His fears only increased the longer he watched him. In a shaky whisper, he said "I'm here baby. You're not alone. No one can hurt you."

Kai morphed into his 20 year old self, right before his dad's belt whipped him across the face. He was no longer outside in the dust. He was standing in the old prison cell where he first fell in love with Yeonjun. Only, his husband didn't seem to recognize him. Either that or he didn't care that he was there.

The raven hair was reading a book. He looked in the blonde's direction and then looked back at the page he left off.

"Baby?" Kai hesitantly walked forward. His husband seemed uninterested in anything he was doing. "Yeonjun?"

Still without looking up, Yeonjun mocked "bet you wish it was Jungkook here instead of me."

"What? No! Why would you think that?" Kai sat next to him to kiss him but the older moved his face. "You're my entire world baby. You're the reason I got out of there!"

Yeonjun slammed the book shut then walked to the other end of the prison cell. Still refusing to look at him, he spat "that's not fucking true and you know it." His back slid down the length of the wall and he started to read again. "You were happy there. Admit it. Admit that part of you wishes he was back because you miss him. Admit you don't need me at all."

Kai was suddenly very conscious within his dream. Something felt wrong. He looked up towards the cell door and screamed "WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?! YEONJUN?! WAKE ME UP!"

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