⚜️Yeonkai- Rising Sun

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➡️This will be a preview of "Butterfly Era"! Next Yeonkai chapter will be another! Still don't officially know when I'm going to pick up where I left off but this is a good way for me to map what I want to come next!
➡️➡️To those who have no idea what I'm talking about, "Butterfly Era" is the last book of my Snow Globe trilogy.

Page starts now.

"This is fucking unbelievable." Kai tore the sleeve of his shirt and tied it around his bicep. "My father prepared me for every god damn scenario except the one we're in right now."

Yeonjun took the cloth from his husband's hand to wrap the cut himself. "It's going to be okay. We'll make it back." Once the wound was tied, the blonde began to stand. "Wait. What do you think you're doing?! You're not going back are you?!"

"We need SOMETHING to cook this fucker!"

"That fucker had friends incase you forgot!"

Kai vividly remembered slashing one of it's jaws open when the dog tried to bite his head off. "And he'll be cooked too."

"Baby please!"

"It's dawn! Our mistake was trying to go at night! They don't hunt when the sun rises!"

Yeonjun knew he wasn't going to win this argument. All he could do was hope they found what they needed quickly. If not, they'd surely starve again. Either that or die in the dessert sun. "Fine. Let me lead at least?"

Kai joked "I'm your General sweetheart."

"And I'm your husband. I'm going to protect the man I want to spend the rest of my life with." Yeonjun offered his hand. He then gladly kissed his husband when he was pulled to his feet and put Kai's knife in his palm. "You ready to go?"

"You're so sexy when you're bossy."

Yeonjun wanted to play along but seeing the blood soaked cloth made it difficult. It was another scar that his blonde didn't deserve.

Kai lightly held the shorter's cheek then kissed his forehead. "I love you Yeonjun."

"I love you too."

"I'm ready to go now. Lead the way baby."

Yeonjun whistled the sequence to open the plane's door. Though the sun was a cruel timer, he never got sick of seeing how vividly it could transform the desert sky. At this time of day, the sky looked like the most amazing royal blue with a golden yellow peak in the center. Under the gold peak, was the deepest shade of orange sand much like the dust from back home.

The air felt cool. In a few short hours, the heat would be deadly. Kai softly reminded his husband that they needed to go. With that, Yeonjun lead the way towards the watering hole.

Endless sand laid before them. It seemed like an eternity of orange before they found what they were looking for again. Kai could barely contain himself when he saw orange fade to brown over the horizon. The bottom of the sun's edge hung just above it. A few steps more and they saw the small cactus forest the dogs roamed in. "We're so close..."

Yeonjun pulled his gun from his waistband just incase they got another surprise visit. His mouth began to salivate when he saw the vibrant pink fruits hanging from the cactus flowers. One was ripped off for Kai, the other for him. Sweet juices exploded in his mouth. It tasted like hydration; it tasted like a lifeline to how starved he'd been. He turned around to see his husband not eating again. Instead, Kai was pocketing more fruits. "Honey... eat something. Please."

"I will later."

"You haven't eaten in three days. You're scaring me."

"I'm fine. I've been starved for much longer."

Yeonjun broke a fruit in half and held it to his husband's lips. "You didn't have a choice back then. You do now and I don't support it. Please eat. For me."

Kai's eyes enlarged the longer he stared at the juicy fruit beneath his nose. He didn't want to eat. That was one more piece of fruit that could've been used to keep his husband alive. Still, his body betrayed him. The fruit was downed as quickly as he could eat it. Deep pink stained his mouth and hands. Just as he went to lick his lips, he found Yeonjun's pressed against his instead. He held him closely to his body as he kissed him again. There wasn't a single day that went by where he didn't appreciate his husband.

After their kiss ended, Yeonjun said "thank you for eating..."

"You're welcome."

"I know you're trying to keep me alive but I need you alive too. I didn't go through hell just to lose you again!"

"I know. I'm sorry."

Yeonjun's eyes began to tear up the more he thought about what they had been through.

Kai hugged him even tighter. "We're together baby. It's okay. You're my home. We're going to make it back to the Terrarium."

"I know..." Yeonjun nodded against his husband's chest. Cool desert air began to shift warm desert heat. A few birds began to hop between cacti. Their songs were always pleasant to hear like a ballad amongst death. "You haven't suspected any dogs have you?"

"No. We're safe."

"Think your knife is sharp enough to cut one of these down?"

Kai whipped it out and started slicing away. The cactus fell with a large thud. "Help me skin the needles so we don't hurt ourselves bringing it back."

"On it." Yeonjun traded his gun for his pocket knife and began smoothing their future firewood out. "How long do you think this will take to dry?"

"In the heat? Maybe three days at most? What I can't figure out is where they get their water from. I feel like there's almost too many of them to survive just off of rain alone."

"You think there's an oasis around here?" Yeonjun groaned when he accidentally sliced too deep. The trunk began extruding a nasty slime over his fingers.

"There has to be. There's just too many of them." Kai angrily shaved off a long strip when he figured out the most likely place it was.

"What's wrong?"

"The fucking dogs. They don't eat the fruit which means they're getting their water somewhere else. I bet they fucking live by it."

Yeonjun looked behind him to peer into the cactus forest. All he saw was more greenery. "Going during their hunting time is suicide."

"Going during the daylight is suicide."

"Then what do you suggest?"

"Sunset and sunrise. If we can find water, we can get the hell out of here."

The last of the needles were skinned off. Yeonjun and Kai placed the plant on their shoulders and began to walk back to the plane. Sweat beaded on their faces. Their recently dried shirts became soaked once more. Exhausted, Yeonjun asked "do you think they're doing okay back home?"

"I hope so. I think they're more worried about us than anything else right now."

"Do you think they'll find us soon?"

"I don't know... I had the best plane out of everyone and it barely survived. Even if they did know where we were, I doubt it would help."


"It's okay baby. We're going to make it out of here."

Yeonjun didn't doubt that was true. He only hoped it was sooner rather than later. The dogs nearly killed his husband once. He would be damned if he let that happen again.

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