🌹Yeonkai- Love Hurts

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"I'm in so much pain Yeonjun..."

"Release it onto me."

"I don't want to!"

"I can take it." Yeonjun knelt down below Kai's eye level so he could try to meet the beautiful black pearls that he fell in love with. "Trust me honey. I can take it."

The virus was starting to turn Kai's veins black. His head felt as if it was going to fall off from his shoulders while the whites of his eyes began to cloud. He lost control of his nerves next. Becoming blind was the final warning. It was only a matter of time before the virus set in completely. Unable to take it anymore, he screamed "I'M SORRY!"

"SHIT!" Yeonjun was hit with a blast that caused his forearms to turn into white marble. A blast that would normally kill someone if they were normal.

Neither of them were. One was a healer who couldn't die. The other was a Medusa who could turn people into stone. Kai couldn't hold his powers back for more than a week at a time. It would kill him if he did. Yeonjun took the pain himself so his boyfriend couldn't hurt anything or anyone else. The pain from healing his arms was always excruciating but he kept doing it because he loved him.

Kai gasped for breath as he picked himself up off of the floor. He watched the marble start to crack in jagged pieces. Bits fell off to reveal Yeonjun's bones grow into their correct place. Tendons weaved across next, followed by veins and nerves. Lastly, the most painful part, was Yeonjun's skin stitching itself together. Kai caught his boyfriend in his arms and held him while he screamed. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry baby."

Yeonjun's pain was over when his fingernails grew back. Exhausted, he laid against Kai's chest and closed his eyes. "I'm fine..."

"You're not fine. You shouldn't have to do this every week!"

"I want to..."

"If we weren't together-"

"-baby stop." Yeonjun brushed Kai's silver bangs away from his eyes then held his cheek. Feeling soft warmth instead of cold marble was something he was never going to regret. "You will never change my mind. You don't have to push me away because it's never going to work. You're going to be healed one day. We'll figure this out."

Though Kai didn't believe him, he gave a small nod regardless. The annoyingly bright white lights above were a reminder of how long they had been government prisoners. "I know you love me but you can't stay here Yeonjun. I have to."

"Kai stop. I'm not leaving you."

"You can't stay here for me!"

"YES I CAN!" Yeonjun got within an inch of Kai's face and cupped both of his cheeks. "Baby? You have to listen to me. I'm serious. Not only do I love you but I am your best shot of being cured."


"You're not listening! I've... I've been undergoing experiments to get you cured."

"You what?! I thought they were just taking samples from you!" Kai shook his head free of his boyfriend's grasp. He was furious from not being informed of this secret for who knows how long. "You of all people know what they've done to me! Why do you want that?!"

"You're still not listening! I think my DNA can cure you!"

"And then what Yeonjun?!" Kai was so mad that he stood up and started pacing around the cell. "Say they do cure me! Then what?! You think they'll just let me walk away?! I accidentally killed someone!"

"It wasn't your fault!"

"I know! We'll still be seperated though! I'll be where they send all the murderers and the rapists!" Kai slid down the white brick wall then rested his forehead on his knees. "I'd rather be in here than out there. You can walk away anytime you want to. You're not a prisoner. My condition is a death sentence but so is my cure."

Yeonjun got up and sat down next to his boyfriend. His head rested on his shoulder while he wrapped his arm around his waist. "I'm not leaving you. The virus WILL eventually kill you babe."

"I know..."

"I did overhear them talking about something that might work. They also did say it was too dangerous to do."

"What is it?"

"Mix our blood together like a transfusion."

Kai lifted his head with his jaw dropped. "And what do they think will happen if your blood is in me?"

"At best, you'll be cured. At worse, the virus and my blood will fight which could overwhelm your immune system and kill you."

"Sounds like I can't escape death at this point." Kai figured he had nothing to lose so he confidently said "I want to try it."

"Babe! You're still not listening to me! It could kill you!"

"I'm going to die soon anyways Yeonjun! That theory was their best idea in what? Three years?! Nothing has worked!"


Kai kissed his boyfriend to shut him up. He felt bad for doing it but this was his life on the line. When he pulled away, he saw the depression all over his boyfriend's face. It hurt. "-I love you. I really do. But this is the only thing with a shot at working. I have to try. I can't live like this forever. You said so yourself. My condition is killing me. If it was you, you'd take the chance too."

Yeonjun didn't want to do it. Not a single part of him assumed a transfusion would leave him with someone left to love. The virus inside of Kai was strong. While his own healing abilities were equally as strong, different tests had proven his DNA was highly unpredictable. He hadn't been in the facility long enough to have consistent data. It was however, long enough to fall in love with the younger. "What if I lose you?"

"Then you can finally be free of this place."

"I love you..."

"I love you too. It'll be okay. Can I tell them? Please?"

"Sure..." Yeonjun's heart shattered into a thousand pieces when he was alone. Saying no would deny Kai a possible treatment. His boyfriend would then resent him which would drive them further apart. Saying yes was accepting the very real possibility of him dying that day. When Kai came back, he pulled him onto his chest and held him as tightly as he could. "When is it?"

"In the morning..."

"And you're sure about this?"

Kai sunk into the darkest parts of his depression. His conscious decided that death was inevitable so it may as well have come now. Above all, he felt like he was doing his boyfriend a favor. There wouldn't be anyone left to hold him back. Death would free them both. "I'm sure."

"I promise to get you out if you're cured..."

"I'm sure you will..."

"One day we'll be together on the outside. I know it."

"I hope so..." In the morning, Kai would receive a transfusion that would most certainly change his life. If everything went the way he wanted it to then it would change Yeonjun's for the better.

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