Sookai- Guilty But Why?

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This was the big break that Kai needed. An interview with Soobin Choi, famed serial murderer. A break like this could revive his dying career. Dozens of reporters vied for this opportunity, ones much more qualified and publicized yet Soobin chose him.

Kai sat in his car and painfully reread his articles. Everything there was to know about Soobin Choi was in his lap. The paper he was currently reading was about his time in prison. There was a rumor going around that everyone loved him. One inmate liked him so much that he killed another for messing with him.

"Oh shit!" Kai looked at his phone and realized he was now one minute late. He scrambled to get all of his files together then ran inside. After passing the security measures, he was seated at a table with his subject across.

Soobin looked at the time on Kai's watch. In a flat tone, he grumbled "you're late."

"I'm sorry. I was reading an article about you. Ironic right? You kept me from you?"

"I understand."

Kai arched his right eyebrow. He wasn't sure what the other meant by that. "Um. So I'd like to start at the beginning with your childhood if that's okay with you."

"Can we save that for last?"

"Sure? May I ask why?"

Soobin couldn't stop bouncing his leg. He's waited nearly a decade for this. "I'll tell you anything you want to know but I'd just like to start at the end first."

"And the end is?"

"Why I did it."

"Okay..." Kai pulled out the article of the day Soobin was sent to prison. He had several post it notes attached to it and was looking for one in particular.

Soobin took all of his files then dropped them to the floor. "You don't need those. Just ask me anything you want."

Kai became uncomfortable. He nervously twiddled his fingers together. This interview wasn't going anything like he thought it would. "Why did you do it? Why did you kill five people and why every two years?"

"I didn't mean to do it every two years. That's just how it happened to work out. Those people were assholes. Every one of them deserved it. They preyed on people who couldn't protect themselves so I stepped in when no one else would."

"So you don't regret killing them?"

Soobin leaned forward and looked him directly in the eyes. "No."

"Awful people are everywhere. How did you decide who to protect?"

"I've only ever protected one person. The world IS awful but he isn't. I couldn't let anything happen to him."

Kai desperately wanted to pick up his files. He didn't remember any of them mentioning a protective instinct. Only heartless murder. Maybe he missed something or someone. He didn't want to come off as unprepared except that's exactly how he felt. "Who were you protecting?"

"Who do you think?"

"Your brother? Your ex? Your childhood best friend?"

"Well you got one of those right. It was my childhood best friend."

"Beomgyu Choi right?"

"No. Beomgyu was second. I've been in love with this person since we met. I told him I'd do anything for him and I meant it. He's my entire world. I wish I told him sooner."

Kai couldn't stop glancing over to his files. No names came to mind on who that person could be. It was becoming harder to hide how nervous he was. "Who are they?"

Soobin scoffed as if it was the most ridiculous question he had ever heard. "It's you. It's always been you. I love you Kai. I'm the person you met online when you were 13 years old."

Kai froze in his seat. The biggest mystery in his life was solved and unraveled in the same instance.

"We gamed practically every night for over a decade. You didn't think it was weird that I stopped coming on when I was convicted?"

"I didn't think-"

"We shared everything together! You told me you were gay before you told anyone else. I shared things with you that I've never told anyone, including this. Every single person that I killed was genuinely trying to hurt you. You're alive because of me. I love you and I know that you love me."

Kai had no idea what to say. He did love him and yet he was also disgusted by him. He was hopelessly in love with a stranger, a voice behind a screen, for 11 years of his life. Soobin knew things about him that even his parents didn't know about. They were each other's safety. They were the person they had who always made their day better. Soobin was...his.

It broke his heart when he stopped going online without a clear explanation. The last thing he received from him was a brief message saying "I don't think we can talk anymore. I hope I'm wrong."

Soobin saw years of memories flood Kai's eyes. His time was running out along with his patience. "Kai. I didn't lie to you. My English name is Steve. I know you're mad and I know-"


"You wouldn't be alive if I hadn't."


"I know why you're really mad."


"I know you better than anyone. You're mad because we could've had a future together if I hadn't done this but you wouldn't have had a future at all if I let them hurt you."

Kai was feeling everything at once. Rage was the most present. "WE-"

"I love you too Kai. I'm sorry this is how you found out." Soobin stood up to let the guard know he was done. Before he walked through the door, he took one last look at the love of his life. "You mean everything to me. Don't change okay?"

"HEY! WAIT! WE'RE NOT DONE HERE!" The security door closed. Kai found himself running towards it only to be stopped by an officer. He was warned to leave before he was detained. With anger still burning every fiber of his being, he picked up his files and left.

A week later, Soobin was shocked to hear he had a visitor. No one from his old life had come to see him since the conviction. Not even his mother. When he sat in the little booth, he saw the only person he ever truly cared about. "Kai. You're back?"

"Yeah. I'm back."

"I'm delighted but why? I thought you hated me."

"You know why idiot."

The biggest grin adorned Soobin's face as he looked at his sunshine. "I love you."

"I love you too. I'm still fucking mad though."

"I know."

"Don't kill people ever again if you get out of here! Especially not for me!"

"I won't. Not like I'll get the opportunity."

Kai picked up his recording device and waved it in front of Soobin's face. "Mind if I finish what we started?"

"Go for it. Does this mean you're coming back? I'll get to see you a lot?"

"Yeah. I'm coming back." Kai promised to continue coming at least twice a week. Everyone in his life thought he was crazy for wanting to see Soobin again. His excuse was his work that was left unfinished. His actual reason was because he didn't want to let that psychopath go. He had been in love with him since he was 13. Soobin was the craziest, realest, most interesting person he had ever met. Kai was drawn in now that there was a face behind the screen and he was determined to get him out.

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