🐔Beomkai- Mayadere

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"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! THERE'S NO WAY THAT SHIT FOR BRAINS, UGLYASS, TWO FACED, LITTLE COCK SUCKING BITCH, GOT A PROMOTION OVER ME!" Beomgyu didn't think he could hate Kai more than he already did until he heard he lost his promotion to him. The blonde hadn't even been there for six months compared to his two years of loyalty. "IF THAT SHITHEAD THINKS I'M GOING TO TAKE ANY ORDERS FROM HIM THEN HE HAS ANOTHER THING COMING!"

Beomgyu hung up then drove straight to his boss's office to demand an explanation. He made sure to nudge Kai's shoulder out of spite on the way in.

Kai wasn't sure why he got a promotion. He didn't go "above and beyond" like his bosses claimed. He simply put his head down and worked. When he asked about it, he was told that was why. Kai didn't let drama affect him. His maturity was something his boss hoped could influence the rest of the team. Being nudged by Beomgyu was annoying but was something he brushed off. Just because the Choi was having a bad day didn't mean he had to.

When the manager saw who walked into his office next, he started to brace himself for an argument. "What can I do for you Beomgyu?"

"I'd like to know why I wasn't promoted over Kai. I also didn't know there was promotions to give out!"

"The business's success allowed me the budget to create a new position. I thought Kai would be a good fit."

"But he hasn't been here as long as I have! I know the job inside and out!"

"Kai does as well."

"Why him over me?!"

"Your immaturity is your downfall. You need to learn how to control yourself in difficult situations. That's why I chose Kai. He doesn't get involved in the drama. Learn to stay out of it. Once you do that, you'll be ready for the next promotion."

Beomgyu looked at the wall by his manager's head when something caught his eye. His next shift was tomorrow night and Kai was scheduled with him. He walked out after seeing that and grumbled "if he thinks I'm taking orders from him then he has another thing coming."

The next night came and Beomgyu made sure to be as difficult as possible. If Kai asked him to do something, he'd say "I'll get to it" or "I'll put it on the list" and conveniently forget. The tasks he was willing to do, he made sure to do slowly. His conversations with clients took double the amount of time they usually took with the excuse being that he was making sure they were getting a good service. By the end of it, he could tell the blonde was frustrated with him despite never overtly showing it.

Kai was sweating from head to toe doing the final cleanup. Doing 75% of the work, when he was supposed to have help, made him consider quitting. All of the table linens were stripped and tossed into a bag. The dishcloths were tossed in next. With some strain of hope, he asked Beomgyu "can you bring this to the van? I'm almost done out here."

Beomgyu was about to say no until he thought of sitting in the van until Kai was done. "Sure! You got the rest of this right?"

Kai wiped more sweat off of his forehead while looking at the ballroom floor they still hadn't cleaned yet. "Sure... just go." He was dangerously close to breaking down. Beomgyu's insolence, Taehyun's inability to take "no" for an answer, and Soobin wanting to get back together was becoming too much for him to handle. After he was alone, he grabbed the broom and started crying while he swept.

Beomgyu happily tossed the bag into the back then sat in the driver's seat. His feet then went on the dashboard and his favorite radio station was put on blast. 20 minutes of nonstop singing got old when he felt like the blonde was taking too long. After five more minutes, he shut the van off then marched through the door with the intention of telling Kai to hurry up. All of that anger disappeared when he saw him sobbing while picking up a broken plate. He felt horrible. In a broken whisper, he asked "are you okay?"

Short Stories-Kai Ships Only! Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now