🐔Yeonkai- Deredere

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Yeonjun really needed a job. He was just cut off from his parent's bank accounts for buying his friend a brand new condo without their permission. His excuse was that she needed it because she couldn't live with her parents forever.

Using that against him, they decided it was his time to move out too. Luckily for him, she let him stay over so he wasn't homeless. Unlucky for him, she had a boyfriend who hung around a lot. Being the forever third wheel was awkward. The money for a new job would go towards a place of his own.

Something he didn't expect was how hard it was to get a job. He didn't have any experience in anything because he didn't need to before. It was a given he'd take over his parent's company one day. Now was the time to prove he deserved it by getting a job on the road to independence.

His road hit a roadblock when he saw the most gorgeous blonde sitting behind a desk. On that desk, was a nameplate that read "Mr. Huening". He muttered "fuck" to himself when he realized that's who he was interviewing with. Yeonjun nervously stood up with his resume clutched to his chest and asked "Mr. Huening? Are you the person who's interviewing me?"

Kai looked up to see his interview here ten minutes earlier than he anticipated. "I am. I'll be with you in just a moment!"

"Okay!" Yeonjun happily sat down and became excited at the thought of the blonde being his new boss. In the corner of his eye, he watched him work. The way the blonde moved was reminiscent of a ballerina. Graceful and precise yet delicate in charm. He wanted to learn everything about him. Most of all, he wondered if he was single.

Out of all of the jobs he was rejected from, this one would hurt the most. All of his answers were rehearsed in his head as if this interview was life or death. He then went through the questions he wanted to ask the blonde. His thoughts were disrupted when he noticed the light above him was blocked by a tall figure. An angelic tall figure at that. "H-hi..."

"Hi." Kai looked at his file then asked "Yeonjun right?"

"Yes!" Yeonjun ran his fingers through his hair to calm his excitement down. "I'm Yeonjun. Nice to meet you...?"


"Nice to meet you Kai!" Electricity nearly caused his heart to explode when they shook hands. Yeonjun then got a whiff of Kai's natural sweet scent as he followed him into the office. "Was I too early? I didn't mean to rush you!"

"You were but I didn't mind."

Yeonjun sat down and noticed the office was small. It was made even smaller when the blonde closed the door. He liked how they were only a foot apart from each other because it gained him a better look at his face. After handing his resume over, he determined that Kai was stunning from all angles. "I'm sorry if this is inappropriate to ask but how old are you? You just look around my age which is impressive since you're in a position to interview me!"

"I'm 22. How about you?"


Kai saw that Yeonjun had basically no work experience despite being older than him. A red flag went off in his head but he decided to keep an open mind. It's not like the job was rocket science. "What have you been doing since you graduated college?"

"Work wise or in general?"

"I'd prefer work but feel free to tell me a little about yourself."

"Okay. Um. My name is Yeonjun Choi. I was a track star and an all pro tennis player in high school. Both got me full ride scholarships to Duke University where I graduated with honors. Then after college, I had a couple of personal issues concerning my family and it sent me down a bad path which landed me a couple days in jail. I didn't go to jail for something bad though! Well, it was bad but it was only for repeated public intoxication offenses. I'm sober now! My father recently tried to help me get back on my feet but then he cut me off after I bought my friend a condo so I'm here fix my life and prove I can make it on my own!"

There was an inherent awkward silence between them. Kai got a lot more detail than he expected and he wasn't sure what to do with it.

"I shared too much didn't I?" Yeonjun nervously ran his fingers through his hair again but it didn't help.

"I mean... yeah. Thanks for feeling comfortable enough to share that with me though."

"You're welcome... I swear I don't usually pour out my life story to everyone I meet. I've actually never done that before. I guess you're easy to talk to." Yeonjun thought the subtle blush on Kai's face was the cutest thing ever.

"Thanks Yeonjun. So you said you're sober now?"

"Yes! 14 days and counting."

"And you're serious about getting your life together?"

Yeonjun leaned forward in his chair so he could properly meet the blonde's eyes. "I'm serious. I want to turn my life around and prove to everyone that I don't need my family's money."

"This job won't make you rich you know."

"I don't need to be rich. Trust me, the money is nice but it's not everything. I only want a fresh start. Please Kai."

Kai held his breath when the older placed his hand on top of his. He then quickly pulled it away when he exhaled. "You-you have your own transportation to get here?"

Yeonjun grinned when that blush deepened from pink to red. "I do."

"And you're reliable? I can count on you to show up on time?"

"You can ALWAYS count on me."

Kai melted in the eagerness of Yeonjun's eyes. Though he was younger, he felt older from seeing that glimmer of innocence most people had lost. A glimmer he lost himself a long time ago. "When can you start?"

Yeonjun wanted to jump up and down from how happy he was. Not only would he have a job but he would also get to work with his crush. That meant a lot of time together that he couldn't wait for. "I can start tonight! Or tomorrow! Whenever really!"

"Tonight works if you want to get your videos over with. You'll also have to do a food safety course before we can send you out for events."

"Can you tutor me in that? You know, to make sure I'll pass?"

Kai bit his tongue while pretending to type something important. It wasn't lost on him that the older had a crush on him. He just wasn't sure what to do about it since he already offered him the job. Beomgyu was also a factor that he completely forgot about until he got a call from him.

Yeonjun subtlety peaked over to see who was calling the blonde. Kai quickly hung up on them which made him suspicious his crush wasn't single. "You okay?"

"Yeah. Just been going through a lot of personal issues lately."

"Well if you ever want to talk or take your mind off of it then I'm here for you. I know a thing or two about getting through hard times. Believe me."

"Thanks. I'll see you tonight okay?"

"Sure." Yeonjun offered his hand again. Kai felt like the fresh start he had been waiting for. "Thanks again for hiring me. Oh, I probably should've asked this before but do you have an issue with the LGBT community?"

"No? Why?"

"Because I'm gay. That's why the last guy wouldn't hire me."

"What? That's illegal!"

Yeonjun was thrilled their hands were still together. He took the opportunity to take another step forward while smiling. "I know. He didn't obviously state that but I saw how uncomfortable he was around me after I told him I liked the pride flag across the street."

"I'm gay too so there's no issues here."

"Good." Yeonjun licked his lips then muttered "I'm glad there's no issues here."

Kai found himself subconsciously holding his breath again as they stared at each other. Hearing his cell phone go off broke him out of the trance. "I'm sorry. I have to get that. See you tonight Yeonjun."

"Can't wait."

Kai watched the older walk away and mumbled "yeah. Me neither."

Short Stories-Kai Ships Only! Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now