Yeonkai- Gray Areas

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Cheated on, had some of his stuff burned, and genuinely wanted his ex to die, were all reasons Soobin Choi drunkenly rambled to Kai about killing Yeonjun Choi.

Kai was very sober, listening to his best friend/soulmate continue his rant in a poorly lit bar. Soobin's attempt at telling a story managed to weave four others into it. One of those stories wasn't even related to Yeonjun. A simple question of "what did he burn exactly?" somehow segwayed into a rant about how concerts effect climate change. Needless to say, when the drunken idiot wasn't looking, he paid the bartender extra to serve Soobin water for the rest of the night.

Soobin took another shot of "tequila" then put the glass up to his eye. He could barely keep his eyes open when he inspected it. "H-hey... this ain't mah drink. This- this is..."

"This is better! It'll taste so good with the food I ordered for you. Trust me, people would kill for more drinks like that!"

"Okay then best friend! Whazzit called?"

"It's um... it's called clarity. Yeah. It'll make all of your thoughts clear. Super secret new beverage!"

"Wow! Just for me?!" Soobin's eye's popped open as he pointed to himself. His smile was near his ears from believing he was the most special person at the counter.

"Yup. Just for you!" Kai was so relieved when their food arrived. "Please eat."

Soobin took three pieces of toast, stacked them together, and ate it all in four bites. "Mm. Bread sandwich."

Kai tried not to laugh when he grabbed a wing. "So tell me again how you found out he cheated on you?"

"I needed to call my mommy but I couldn't find my phone." Another shot of clarity went down. "I asked him for his. He gave it to me. Then guess what I saw?!"

"What did you see?"

"I saw his dating app still open! He had sooo many matches. I hope they all die."

"What did he say when you told him?"

Soobin shoved a waffle into his mouth. "That asshole said he didn't think we were serious." After the rest of his waffle was consumed, Soobin's depression came out for the whole bar to see. He started softly crying into a used napkin.

Kai paid for the meal then helped Soobin off of his chair. The taller was putting all of his weight onto his shoulders. Getting him into the car was a struggle. "Can you buckle your own seatbelt or do I need to do it for you?"

"I can do it. I wanna use it to choke Yeonjun, that's what I wanna do."

After making sure Soobin's seatbelt was secured, Kai started the drive to his house. "Why did he burn your stuff again?"

"I said I wished we had never met. He burned the stuff we got together and threw some of my other things in the fire. Then... then he said now it was like we never met. I hate him."

Kai turned the music down so the taller could sleep off some of the alcohol. Soobin fell asleep 30 seconds later. When he arrived at the Choi house, he carried him bridal style to the front door. His father thanked him for taking care of him. Kai then promised to be back in the morning. His next stop was Yeonjun's house. He needed an explanation as to how someone could possibly do that to someone as sweet as his best friend.

Yeonjun answered the door in delight until he saw who it was. He was expecting his date. Annoyed, he demanded "make it quick unless you want to join us. In that case, come on in baby."

"How could you do that to him?!"

"Ugh. Did he send you here?"


"Baby can make his own decisions without his gum around? I'm shocked. There really is a first time for everything!"

Kai ignored the insults to himself. "He loved you Yeonjun! I don't understand-"

"-see. That's the thing. You don't understand." Yeonjun put on a silk robe in his irritation. This conversation was lasting a minute longer than he wanted it to. "In little Kai's world, everyone loves everyone and no one hurts anyone. Soobin keeps you in that world because he wants to protect you and you know what? I'm not sure why. The real world isn't sunshine and rainbows, black and white, whatever analogy you'd prefer. There's shit in between the rights and the wrongs. Soobin just happened to be the shit. Got it?"

"Excuse me?!"

Yeonjun grinned with his back turned to the taller at his door. His robe fell to the floor. He was only wearing expensive boxers. He then turned around and walked until he was standing in front of Kai. His thumb ran over the taller's bottom lip. In a seductively commanding voice, he said "I bet there's an animal inside of you. I'd be honored to unleash it. Sex isn't black and white either. There's so much more than the vanilla shit you're probably used to." His hands pulled Kai's waist closer to him. He gripped harder when he was met with resistance. "Have you even had sex? I'd kill to show you what it's like."

Kai had never been so uncomfortable in his life. His entire body was screaming a danger signal to leave. "You're disgusting. Just leave Soobin alone." With struggle, he shoved Yeonjun as hard as he could.

Yeonjun fell on his ass when he collided with a side table. A vase of roses broke. He wasn't mad. More impressed "sweet little Kai" was capable of displaying anything other than happiness. He wanted to rub salt into his wounds.

Before the younger was out of ear shot, he yelled "I CAN LEAVE HIM ALONE. DOESN'T MEAN I'M GOING TO." His provoke worked. Kai stopped walking. He proudly stood up and made his way over to his target. "I can take him back in less than five minutes. He'll believe anything I tell him. He's so... pathetic. So desperate to be loved. It's the gray areas Kai." His lips begun kissing the back of his neck while his hand shoved itself down the front of Kai's pants. "The in between stuff is where I play. I make people want what's wrong. I make them believe that I'm right." The younger struggled to push him away which only made him grip his stomach harder. "Play with me. I'll make it worth it. I'll leave you begging for more."

Kai was over this. He wasn't trying to seriously hurt him before. Now, he was. With as much force as he could produce, his head snapped backwards to break Yeonjun's nose.

Yeonjun instinctively let go. His fingers touched his lips when he tasted the bleeding stream staining his chest. "YOU ASSHOLE!"

Kai ran towards his car. Yeonjun was running after him. He damn near slammed the door on the older's fingers trying to close it. His heart raced. It threatened to explode if he didn't leave soon.

"OPEN THIS FUCKING DOOR KAI! YOU'RE GOING TO GET WHAT'S COMING TO YOU!" Yeonjun moved before his foot was run over. He watched the younger speed off until he could no longer see him. His head snapped when another car pulled into the empty space. It was his date. Kai was going to get what was coming to him later. For now, he was going to take his anger out on his new victim.

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