Sookai- Ice Cream

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Kai was playing a game on his phone in the high school's bathroom. It wasn't because he had to go, but because he couldn't stand Soobin. The taller seemed to think they were best friends. He was called "cute", "squishy" and "adorable". All things he did not care for when he saw himself as a handsome young man. He guessed he had maybe two more minutes before he had to go back to class so he took his time.

Soobin patiently waited in his seat for his favorite person to come back. He didn't believe Kai actually hated him. He assumed it was a bit they did. The moment he saw a small, pale, little freshman walking down the halls, he knew he wanted to be around him.

As a freshman, Kai did not appreciate being randomly picked up by a giant stranger and squeezed to death. As a senior, he still did not appreciate being squeezed to death. His secret hope in life was to grow taller than Soobin so he wouldn't appear as cute.

Disgruntled, Kai decided he had spent enough time away from class so he decided to go back.

Soobin perked up in his seat when the younger sat back down next to him. He leaned over and whispered "we have a presentation coming up. I said we'd be partners!"

Kai harshly shot back "you what?!" Taehyun would've been his first pick or really anyone else for that matter. Not Soobin.

Completely oblivious, Soobin beamed "yeah! Aren't you excited?! Three whole weeks of hanging out together and studying!"

"Three weeks?!" Kai looked up when he noticed the teacher quit talking. He was met with a pair of irritated eyes under thick glasses. "Sorry... won't happen again."

Soobin happily slid Kai a note. His grin drew to his ears when he saw the younger's eyebrows scrunched together.

"We're going to have so much fun together! Wanna come over to my place tonight?" Kai grabbed a pen and jotted down "no!"

"You're funny."

"I'm not trying to be!"

"You're a natural then."


Soobin giggled to himself as he wrote his next note down. "I'll get you ice cream! Pleaseeeee!"

Kai took a moment to think about it. It wasn't the ice cream that made him consider it. It was the prospect of finishing the project within a week so he didn't have to hang out with Soobin for the other two. "Fine."

Soobin bit his bottom lip to keep from squealing with joy. "Meet me by the flagpole out front! I can drive us!"

"Fine." After school ended, Kai arrived a few minutes late to meet Soobin. The taller looked like an excited puppy as he waved his car keys in the air.

"You ready to go?!"

"That's why I'm here."

"Yay!" Soobin opened Kai's door then happily hopped into the driver's seat. "So what music do you like to listen to?! Anything you want! I bet you have great taste!"

"Um. I don't know? I listen to everything. What about you?"

"You gonna make fun of me if I say k-pop?"

"Only if you start doing the dances."

"Awe! That's half the fun!" Soobin glanced over to see Kai unamused. That only made his amusement grow since he was convinced the younger was really laughing inside. "Fine. I won't. But I bet you'll like it if you keep an open mind!"

"Do you even speak Korean?"

"No... but I know what good music sounds like!"

Kai took Soobin's phone and started scrolling through the extensive list of foreign songs. There was over 18 hours of music in that playlist alone. He then flipped to older's "most played" list to see which ones were his favorites. All of them were by artists he had never heard of. Figuring it would kill some time, he hit "shuffle" and let it go.

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