🥬Sookai- Our Tradition

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Hyuka couldn't stop giggling as he stared in the mirror. "You almost done in there?!"

"Almost! One second!" Soobin stepped out of the bathroom with a big smile on his face. "Well?! What do you think?!"

"I love it! The color suits you!"

"I love yours too! What made you choose blue?"

"Yeonjun told me it would look good. I think he meant it as a joke though. What about yours?"

"Thought it would look good next to you." Soobin winked then started to comb his hair. "Ugh, I hate how fragile it gets every time I dye it."

"Same. Wait before I forget, I asked Yeonjun if he wanted to come tonight. Is that okay?"

"Um. Why exactly?" Soobin did his best to hide how offended he was. He didn't have a problem with Yeonjun. He had a problem with Yeonjun coming on this particular night when it was always just him and Kai before. The tradition didn't need to change.

"He said he thought he could turn into a werewolf if he saw what one looked like! I wanted to see if he could too."

"But I'm not technically a full animal. I'm still very human." Soobin spewed out every excuse that he could think of so the tradition would remain the same. Hyuka was the only person outside of his pack who he felt comfortable turning around. Everyone else, he was sure he would kill because he's killed before. "I don't want to hurt anyone..."

"Hey." Hyuka gently cupped Soobin's cheeks and stared into his eyes. His palms started to glow the softest white. He was sending peace into the taller's body so he would calm down. "I'll tell him not to come. I didn't think it would bother you this much." His palms released from the older's face.

Soobin grabbed Hyuka's hands in his own and held them tightly. "Thank you."

"You're welcome. I'll be right back. I'm gonna go call him."

This month especially was nostalgic for Soobin. It was the last month they were going to do this as students. By the next full moon, they were going to be high school graduates.

Everything about this year was going perfectly until he noticed how close Hyuka and Yeonjun became recently. Though his best friend gave no indication he wanted to change their future plans, he still felt it was threatened by the other Choi. Maybe Hyuka wouldn't want to move into a house together like they dreamed of. Maybe he would want to be with Yeonjun instead. Time seemed like it was running out.

Change was the scariest part for Soobin. He hated it. There wasn't any security in change while Yeonjun seemed to thrive in it. He assumed Hyuka felt the way he did but seeing them together? Hearing he invited someone else on THEIR night? He wasn't so sure anymore.

After a couple of minutes, Hyuka still hadn't come back from his bedroom so he decided to check up on him. Through the door, he could hear him talking to Yeonjun on the phone. They were quite loud.

Yeonjun teased "it's fine! Stop apologizing! We can do something else tomorrow!"

Kamal still felt bad. "I know but I basically promised-"

"‐Hyuka! It's okay! You're so sweet! Please stop saying sorry!"

"I'm so- I mean... I will."

"You really are an angel."

Despite agreeing, Soobin cringed when he heard that.

Kamal looked at the time in the corner of his screen. "I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Bye Perfection!"


Soobin quickly moved away from the door when he heard Hyuka's footsteps. In a foul mood, he stated "took you long enough. Finally ready to go?"

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