⚾️Tyunning- Forget It

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Kai Huening's life had been nothing but tragic.

He lost his mother at the age of five due to cancer.

He lost his house due to a fire at the age of seven.

His dad lost his job at the age of nine due to layoffs.

He lost his girlfriend at age 13 due to middle school immaturity.

He lost his second girlfriend at age 15 to another guy.

At age 16, his dad went through a divorce.

At 17, he was dumped by his first boyfriend.

And at his current age of 18, he learned he lost a scholarship to his dream college due to budget cuts.

All of these things amounted to a tragic life.

Except it wasn't because he didn't remember any of it.

Because of Taehyun, he only remembered the times he was happy.

It started when Taehyun met Kai at the age of five. They saw each other wearing the same Transformers t-shirt on the first day of kindergarten and immediately decided they were best friends.

Kai was small. He was picked on a lot by the bigger kids so Taehyun naturally became protective.

One day, after being hit in the face with a hard snowball, Kai started crying in the fort they made. Five year old Taehyun asked "are you okay?! You're bleeding!"

Little Kai wiped his nose with his glove to confirm he was infact bleeding. With a small whimper, he said "I'm okay... I'm not sad about that."

"Then why are you crying? I can get the teacher to help!"

"My mommy is really sick. Daddy said she's getting better but the doctors said she wasn't."

Taehyun wrapped Kai up in the biggest hug that he could. He couldn't imagine losing his mom. Seeing his best friend in so much pain, remains one of the hardest things he's ever had to go through. Every day after school, they went to the hospital together to visit her. Eight days later, on the one day he couldn't go, she died.

When Kai didn't show up the next day, he knew what happened without having to ask. He canceled his birthday party to be with him. It wasn't a party anyways if his best friend wasn't there.

At the memorial service, him and Kai were sitting alone on the second floor of the Huening house. Their feet dangled off of the edge between the bars of the railing.

Downstairs was mourners and people who couldn't seem to stop saying "I'm sorry for your loss." Kai didn't have the energy to speak to anyone so he greatly enjoyed doing nothing with someone he felt comfortable with. While he people watched, he sighed as he smushed his face against the bars. "How much longer do you think people will be here? I wanna go to my room."

"My mommy told me I'm sleeping in your room tonight."


Taehyun wrapped his arm around the younger's shoulders and pulled him in for a side hug. "Yeah."

"I miss my mom..." Kai started crying against Taehyun's chest. The more he thought about his mom, the harder his tears fell. "I-I-I..."

"Shh." Taehyun took Kai to his bedroom when people started looking at them. He then handed him his favorite plushy in an effort to make him feel better.

Kai sobbed into his giant rabbit. He kept mumbling how much he missed his mom and how unfair it all was.

Not knowing what to do next, Taehyun laid his hand on the younger's shoulder and said "I wish I could make you feel better. Can I do anything?"

Angry at the world, five year old Kai screamed "NO! I WISH I NEVER HAD A MOM! IF I NEVER HAD A MOM THEN SHE CAN'T LEAVE ME!" The rabbit was punched in the stomach until he exhausted himself out. When he was near ready to pass out, he whimpered "my mommy left me... I didn't even get to say goodbye because I was sleeping..."

Taehyun dragged the blanket off of the bed and threw it over them. The giant rabbit plush became their pillow as they laid down. He watched Kai close his eyes. Seconds later, the younger fell asleep. Before he slept himself, he wrapped him in his arms and mumbled "I hope your wish comes true."

In the morning, Kai woke up confused as to why he fell asleep in a suit. He didn't question Taehyun being there. He assumed it was a sleepover that he completely forgot about. What didn't make sense though, was why Taehyun was wearing a suit too. Being a curious five year old, he shook his best friend awake. "Taehyunnie! Taehyunie! Hey! Hey! Wake up!"

Taehyun grabbed the edge of the blanket and snatched it over his head to shield himself from the noise. When his cloth shield didn't work, he kicked Kai with the back of his heel.

"Ow! You're mean!"

"You're too loud Kai!"

Kai whined "Taehyunnie! Why are we wearing suits?! I don't like ties! They're itchy!"

Taehyun rubbed his eyes as he sat up. "Your dad would've been mad if we didn't."

"What? Why?" Kai tilted his head to the side like a puppy. "Did we go to my dad's work again?"

"No? We were at your mom's funeral..."

"My mom? But I don't have a mom! My daddy adopted me!"

That was the first time Taehyun had ever wiped Kai's memory. That one was a complete accident. The ones after weren't. Kai was so happy after forgetting his mother that Taehyun wanted to protect him forever. Kai's dad assumed he pretended to forget to protect himself. "Compartmentalizing" as they say.

Taehyun knew the truth. Kai would forever remain his ray of sunshine because he didn't deserve to go through anything he had since he'd known him.

Now, at 18 years old, Taehyun learned he was accepted to a college over 100 miles away from where Kai would be going. With that loss of scholarship, they could no longer afford to go to the same one. Heartbroken, they said "goodbye" while promising to remain friends.

A week later, Kai experienced another loss and this time he didn't have anyone to help him forget.

Short Stories-Kai Ships Only! Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now