🔸️Tyunning- Maybe You

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"Why are you making his order already? He's not even here."

Taehyun ignored Beomgyu. He knew Kai would be here in exactly five minutes because he always was. This time, he would actually ask him out. He just couldn't figure out which way to. The cheesey way where he writes it on the coffee cup? A cute note on the muffin bag? Or ask him face to face?

"What if he doesn't even show up? Then you made that for nothing."

"What's up your ass?"

"Nothing. Everytime you say you're going to ask him out, you never do. It's really annoying."

"I'm going to!"

Soobin came out from the back while saying "already have $20 on it so you better!"

"You guys bet on me?!"

Beomgyu bragged "been doing it every day for a month. I've won so much money so thank you!"

Taehyun rolled his eyes while putting the muffin in the tiny oven. "You should've told me Soobin. We could've planned against him."

"Hey!" The three started to argue in between helping other customers. Eventually, Taehyun got around to bagging Kai's order perfectly. All he needed was for him to come pick it up.

Kai walked in with a large smile on his face. The smile was from running into Yeonjun again. His happiness grew when he saw his three favorite baristas behind the counter. "Hey guys!"

"Hey!" Taehyun grabbed the order then placed it next to the register. "It's on me today. My treat."

"Thank you! Are you sure? You really don't have to."

"I'm sure." Taehyun saw Kai reaching for his wallet to potentially place a large tip. "You don't need to do that either!"

"Well I gotta give you something! I love you guys! Seriously, you guys always make my day. I appreciate you."

Beomgyu shouted "we appreciate you too!" He was immediately dragged to the back by Soobin after saying that.

Taehyun slapped his palm to his forehead and grumbled "sorry about them."

"Don't be. They're really sweet."

"You are too. So listen... would you want to maybe go out with me sometime?"

Kai took a moment to think about it. Truthfully, he had never seen him that way before. Their relationship was just customer and employee. It lacked the initial excitement he felt like the first time him and Yeonjun talked to each other. At the same time, Taehyun was pretty attractive. Just because the spark wasn't there now, doesn't mean it couldn't happen eventually. "Sure. Why not?"

Taehyun's eyes started to glow as he tried to control himself. "So um... do you want my number? Or when are you free?! Sorry, I'm really nervous... I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry again."

Kai teased "why are you nervous?"

"I just didn't think you'd actually say yes. I probably shouldn't have said that either."

"Wanna know something funny?"


"I genuinely thought you were dating Soobin."

"What?! Why?!"

Loud laughter was heard from the back. Simply from the volume alone, he could tell it was Beomgyu's. Kai started laughing himself when he saw how mortified Taehyun looked. "I don't know! You guys looked close?"

"He's just a friend. He's actually really annoying."


Kai laughed harder when he heard Soobin complaining from the back. Though he wanted to stay, he really had to go to work. He took a pen from behind the counter and wrote his number down on a napkin. "Here. Text me later!"

"I will!" Taehyun was blushing the softest shade of pink as he watched the blonde walk away. There wasn't anything in the world that could bring his mood down.

When he turned around, he saw Beomgyu give Soobin $20 for losing the bet. The taller started to brag about it until Beomgyu reminded him of how much money he's won. Taehyun then had to mediate the growing argument between them. Despite how petty (and annoying) they were being, he still felt like a million dollars as he stared at the napkin Kai gave him. He then made sure to put it in his phone before he forgot.

On Kai's first break, he glanced at his phone to see a text message from an unknown number. At initial thought, he assumed it was Taehyun. That was until he remembered that he also gave Yeonjun his number earlier that morning.

All the message said was "hey! It's me!"

Kai was screwed. He felt it was impolite to admit he had no idea who was texting him so he stared at it. Deciding to flirt back, he said "hey sexy! ;) It was nice seeing you earlier!"

"You too gorgeous. Do you want to have dinner tonight?"

"I'd love to! What time are you off?"

"I'm off at five."

Kai still couldn't tell who it was. He didn't know when Taehyun usually worked and he had no idea what Yeonjun even did for a living. Being too polite for his own good began to backfire. He started over thinking if it was too late to admit what he did or not. At the same time, he was also sure neither would care. "AH! Why are you like this Kai?"

The number texted again saying "there's this great little bar that I want to take you to. Me and my friends found it last week and I think you'd really like it."

Kai wanted to scream into a pillow. To himself, he complained "which friends?! Beomgyu?! Soobin?!" If it was either of them, the number would for sure be from Taehyun. After another minute, Kai completely gave up on trying to guess. He decided that he was going to let it be a surprise for himself so he texted "I'm off at 5 tonight. Send me the address. We can meet at 7! I can't wait to see you!" Secretly, he hoped it was Yeonjun on the other end.

7:00 came and the other person still hadn't texted him. Kai got onto train home, hoping to see Yeonjun there with the intention of asking if it was him. To his luck, he wasn't in the car.

The number texted again. "Hey... we're still on for tonight right?"

"Oh fuck." Kai felt awful for not texting back. "Sorry! Yes! Going home now. Is this a casual kinda place or a dress to impress kinda place?"

"Pretty casual but I'm definitely dressing to impress you tonight ;)"

"You could wear a potato sack and you'd still look hot."

"I might take you up on that lol"

Kai was grinning like a happy idiot. He no longer cared who showed up because whoever this was, he found himself falling hard for. "I'm almost home. See you in a bit! Please don't actually wear a potato sack!"

"Lol I won't. See you soon beautiful."

Kai chose an outfit that was casual but also made him feel like royalty. A deep v-neck white long sleeve shirt, dark blue ripped jeans, a silver chain belt, a silver chain necklace, and a pair of white converse completed his outfit. His bangs were parted to expose his forehead. He then lightly sprayed himself with Sauvage cologne and headed out the door.

The bar looked like a typical modern gastropub with woodtop counters and metal accents. At least that's what Kai could see from the outside when he attempted to peer inside. Before he went in, he texted his mystery date again. "I just got here. You inside already?"

"I'm inside. I think I can see you? I'm by the window to your right. If that is you then you look really fucking good."

Kai looked up and saw who his mystery person was. Only a large smile came when his date started waving. He looked like the best kind of surprise he could've asked for. Elated, he burst through the door and kissed his cheek. The way the shorter became flustered, was the cutest thing in the world to him. "You look great too! So... what do you want to drink? My treat."

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