Sookai- Say Something

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Soobin wanted nothing more than to go home and not talk to anyone. His bed and his phone was all he desired. Maybe a drink if one more person managed to piss him off today. If it wasn't for the friends he made at his job, he would've quit a long time ago.

The clock on the register indicated he had 5 minutes left. No one was in line so far. Mentally, he was already clocked out. Taehyun walked behind the counter and asked "what's up everyone's asses today?"

"Tell me about it. The last woman I had demanded I give her a refund for a tuna sandwich."


"She said she was allergic to fish."


"That's what I was thinking! Like bitch! Why the fuck did you order it then?! What did you think tuna was?! A chicken?!"

Taehyun died of laughter.

Soobin laughed with him until he saw someone walk through the door. "So close..."

"I can take this guy. Go home and have a drink."

Soobin gladly ran to the back.

Taehyun quickly clocked in, washed his hands, then turned around to help his first customer. "Hi! What can I get for you today?"

"Can I get-"

"Good luck tonight dude!" Soobin slapped his hand on Taehyun's shoulder then looked up when he noticed the lobby was no longer empty. Who he saw was his ex. The love of his life. The one who got away when he moved countries at the end of high school. "Kai..."

Kai was nearly frozen when he saw his ex again. It had been 2 years since he last saw him. He looked even more attractive than he remembered him to be. "Hi Soobin..."

Soobin wanted to run up and kiss him. Their two years apart was holding him back. For all he knew, the younger was dating someone else. Instead, he walked over to a far table and sat down. A small sigh of relief came when Kai sat across from him. "How have you been?"

"I've been fine. How about you? You look really good." Kai melted when he saw Soobin's gummy smile. He missed those dimples.

"Thanks. You do too." Soobin wanted to grab his hand. His leg couldn't stop bouncing from how much he was holding back. "I've been okay. Life could definitely be worse. My mom had a stroke a few months ago."

"I'm so sorry... is she okay?"

"She's doing a lot better. She has my dad. I stayed home all winter break to make sure she was okay too."

"And your sister?"

"She got engaged. The wedding is next year."

"Congratulations to her." Kai wanted to know if Soobin was seeing someone. At the same time, hearing he was would be a knife to the gut.

"How's your sister's doing?"

"Lea is dating-"

"-an asshole?"

"How'd you know?"

"I saw it on your face." Kai giggled when he pointed at him. He missed that laugh. He missed all of his laughs. The cute, the loud, the devil and the dolphin.

"I hate him."

"He's that bad?"

"He's biker to start with and not a good one. He competes professionally and has never been above 8th place."

"Does he at least have a second job?"

"No! He keeps telling us that he'll make it big soon but it's been two years!"

Short Stories-Kai Ships Only! Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now