🃏TXT- Suits- Part One

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The Heart. The symbol of love.

"A hundred thousand! A hundred thousand! Our biggest score yet! Beomgyu started jumping up and down behind Taehyun's chair. Seeing five perfectly split large stacks of cash was like letting a five year old loose in a candy store.

Taehyun snapped "would you calm down?! I'm trying to make sure they're all even!"

"You've counted twice!"

Kai wasn't paying attention to the argument. His eyes only saw Beomgyu. He admired him. He really liked him. He wanted to be with him. A knife to the gut came last night when they stayed up late talking. Beomgyu voiced some concerns over the potential things that could go wrong with the heist. He tended to over worry in the final hours before a job. Kai was calming him down. While he did it, he was told something that crushed him. The older said he was like the little brother he always wanted. His daydreams were doomed to remain dreams.

Yeonjun quietly scoffed to himself. He was irritated with Kai. His face was burried in his phone while he grumbled a string of profanities. He didn't pay attention to Soobin sitting next to him.

Soobin started to game to calm himself down. His frustrations were the same as Yeonjun. One sided love. Both wanted what they couldn't have. He had never bonded with anyone like the way he did with Kai. It was practically instantaneous. These people were his family but Kai was his heart. He would've left the group if it wasn't for him.

"Give me that!" Beomgyu snatched his portion of the cut and decided to make it rain all over the dining room table. He regretted it the moment the last bill touched the floor. "Crap..."

"I'm not helping you clean it up." Taehyun handed out the other stacks to the rest of the group. None of them have had this much money in a while. They practically starved so they could save up money to buy the house they lived in. Now, with the cash, they could finally pay off the last chunk with some to spare.

Kai was impressed with how quickly Beomgyu was able to clean up all that money. What was more impressive was the speed at which he counted the bills. Papers flew between his fingertips faster than his brain could process it.

Annoyed, Yeonjun asked "anyone want to get some pizza with me?" His eyes had to stop themselves from rolling backwards when Beomgyu volunteered and not Kai. "Anyone else wanna go?" No one else did. "Fine. We'll be back."

Soobin continued to game while Taehyun sat next to Kai on the side couch. "80k pays off the rest of the house. What are you gonna do with your leftover money?"

"I don't know. Probably buy another gun?"

"That's what you always say."

"I don't really need anything."

"Except Beomgyu."

"Is it that obvious?"

Soobin grumbled "yes..."

Kai's face went red. "Oh. Why do you look so mad about it?"

"Nothing. Just the game fucking up." Soobin's character died the next second. "FUCK!" The air got uncomfortable when they all went silent. Through a half-assed attempt at an apology, Soobin mumbled "sorry. Had a bad day."

"Did something else happen? I thought all this money would make you feel better."

Taehyun willed Kai to stop being naive and move on from Beomgyu. The entire secret affection dynamic between the group was driving him crazy. He just wanted Kai to pick someone so the others could move on. Their family of thieves was turning into a soap opera and he hated soap operas. "Yeah Soobin. Why are you so upset?"

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