🪨Beomkai- Going Insane

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Kai woke up to his house doubling in size overnight. That stupid chime emitted from the sky again. The chime seemed to happen a lot. What was weirder was no one else in this town seemed to hear it. All he knew for sure was every time he heard the chime, he got more money in his account and his intelligence raised.

Several messages went off on his phone at once. They all seemed to be from Beomgyu yet they didn't sound like they were from him. Kai crinkled his eyebrows together while reading them. "Hey man. You online? I'm coming over soon to see the upgrades on your place!" Thirty seconds later, another message showed up. "How are you late when you're the one who told me to be on this early? You're always like this Soobin!"

Kai mumbled "Soobin? Who is Soobin?"

Another message popped up. "Oh shit. Sorry, I thought you said 6am not 6pm. My bad. Love you man! Don't be mad at me tonight! See ya."

In the blink of an eye, Beomgyu transported from his bartending job to Kai's doorstep. His skimpy cowboy outfit was also replaced with a light green hoodie, light gray ripped jeans and white sneakers. Like usual, he never questioned it. He just knocked on the door as if nothing happened.

Kai was so focused on re-reading every strange text message he got, that he didn't hear his doorbell ring. The second bell did it. "It's open!"

Beomgyu stepped into the mansion with his jaw dropped. "Whoa! When did this happen?!"

"While I was sleeping I think? Hey, who is Soobin?"

"Soobin?" Beomgyu was barely paying attention. He became lost walking around the permiter of each room. His fingertips floated against the sheer white curtains and then found themselves inspecting the stone fireplace that wasn't there before. "Wow! Your place is so cool!"

"You don't know who Soobin is?"



"Sorry. What did you ask?"

Kai whipped out his phone to show him the messages he received. "You were texting me about someone named Soobin. Who is Soobin?"

"I sent you that? Are you sure it was me?"

"That's your name and number."

"Huh. Maybe I met him at the bar last night. I met A LOT of people."

"Name one."

"Why? Jealous?"

Kai sat on his plush white couch, trying to make sense of anything that happens in this town. "I'm not and I'm not crazy. Something is weird here!"

Beomgyu sat down next to him. He then grabbed the remote and started flipping through channels. "You know, if you have to tell people you're not crazy over and over and OVER and over and-"

"-But I'm not! How do you not find this place fucking weird?! You don't think it's even a little suspicious that you sent me messages about some 'Soobin' who you don't even know?!" Kai snatched the remote out of his best friend's hand so Beomgyu would be forced to pay attention to him. "Where were you before this?"

"Doing my job. So what?"

"How did you get here?"

"I don't know."

"And you don't think THAT'S weird?! Your job isn't even near here! It's on the other side of this place!"

"It's how this town works! It's how it's always worked! What's the big deal?! Just go with the flow! My god, you have a giant stick up your ass."

Kai crossed his arms and stared out of the window. No one had been listening to him since he voiced his concerns. They all seemed to either want to have sex, trade items or both. The parts in between is the areas he couldn't remember.

Short Stories-Kai Ships Only! Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now