🔸️Tyunning- Insecure

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Taehyun was practically counting down the seconds until his boyfriend walked through the door to the cafe. Like usual, Kai's order was already made for him. Unlike usual, his boyfriend came in with someone else. The redhead next to him was too attractive for his liking. It wasn't just the stranger's looks that irritated the hell out of him. It was seeing his arm around his boyfriend's shoulders. His jealousy was hidden under a fake smile as he exclaimed "hey Hyuka!"

"Hyuka?" The redhead grinned as his left eyebrow simultaneously arched upwards.

Taehyun explained "yeah... that's what I call him. It's a combination of his last and first name. Huening Kai. Hyuka."

The blonde beamed "I think it's cute!"

Taehyun faked a cough when they were looking at each other a second longer than he was comfortable with.

Kai innocently asked "you okay?"

"Yeah. Just fine."

The redhead grinned as grabbed some cash out of his pocket. "Nice to see you again Taehyun. How have you been?"

Taehyun didn't remember meeting this person at all. Not wanting either of them to know that, he said "I've been fine. Classes are kicking my ass. How about you?"

Kai interjected "you guys know each other?"

Yeonjun laid some cash on the counter and replied "of course! He makes me my americano every morning."

"Right..." Taehyun's eyes popped open when he actually did remember him. "I gave Kai the last muffin. I hope that's okay with you."

"You're doing me a favor. I need to get on a diet now that I've secured a few modeling gigs. Finally!"

"You... are a model..."

Kai whipped out his phone to show off a bunch of different unreleased photos of Yeonjun at a makeup shoot. "See?! He looks so good doesn't he?!"

"Yeah. He looks fine to me." Though Yeonjun didn't, Taehhun could've sworn he was given a dirty look. "Don't you have work babe?"

"I have a little time." Kai took a sip of his drink then handed Yeonjun a small bite of his muffin top. "You know you want it."

"Fine. Only because you're giving it to me."

Taehyun coughed again when the redhead's lips touched Kai's fingers.

"Seriously babe. Are you okay? I can run next door and get you some medicine!"

"I'm fine."

Yeonjun licked some blueberry juice off of his lips then asked "hey! Did Kai ever tell you he didn't know who he was texting at first?"


Kai quickly responded "hey! It was an accident!"

Yeonjun continued "yeah. He said he gave both of us his number the morning you two went on your first date and he didn't know which one of us was going to show up. Funny right?"

Taehyun burried how offended he was. He didn't want to start an argument at his job nor in front of the redhead. "Yup... that's hilarious. It obviously went well since we're still dating."

Kai blissfully kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "It was an amazing date."

Unaware of how upset Taehyun was, Yeonjun joked "could you imagine if I hadn't lost his number that afternoon? Anyways, I have to get going. I finally found an agent that I like! See ya Kai!"

"Bye!" Kai turned to his boyfriend and saw a completely different face from the smile he saw only moments ago. "Seriously? Are you okay? You've been acting weird since I got here."

Short Stories-Kai Ships Only! Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now