TXT- Growing Up- Part Four

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The breakup destroyed Kai and Beomgyu. Both did their best to keep touch but the time zone killed them. That summer was hard for everyone. Losing his boyfriend resulted in the loss of Yeonjun, Soobin and Taehyun. Taehyun was the last one to stop talking to him. School starting was the nail in the coffin.

As per the cycle of Kai's life, he met new friends in China. People were fascinated with him due to his foreign appearance. Students wanted to speak to him. They found his fluent chinese entertaining and refreshing. His family's newfound wealth had a lot to do with it too. They treated him like a Prince. Girls lined up at his feet. Guys competed to date his sisters. Life was going pretty well for the Huenings.

Beomgyu did try to move on in his senior year. He went on a few dates and it honestly felt good. The guys weren't Kai. No one made him feel nearly as complete as Kai did but it still felt great to be adored again.

Taehyun didn't doubt Beomgyu's chemisty with Kai was real. The pessimistic side of him told him he only still loved Kai because he was his first love. He told him that to his face after hearing his friend complain he wasn't over him after the last date with his current boyfriend. "Seriously, you'll always be attached to him because he was your first."

"I guess you're right."

"Is it really going that badly between you two?"

Beomgyu sighed. He looked around the lunchroom to make sure his boyfriend wasn't around. When he confirmed he was in the clear, he said "it's not but he doesn't do anything for me. His breath always smells funny too. I hate kissing him."

"Ever try giving him a mint? Or gum?"

"Yeah but I don't always have those on me."

"He brushes his teeth right?"

"God, I hope so. I mean, they're pearly white!"

Taehyun saw Beomgyu briefly fall back into a depressive state. "What else is it?"

"You know how I talk and talk and people tend to find that annoying?"

"I guess."

"He actually told me I talk too much. I thought he was joking and then we got into a big fight about it. I hate having to think before I talk. And don't make a joke saying I should've done that earlier!"

Taehyun wasn't going to. "Look, if you're that miserable then break up with him."

"You told me to move on! You told me to give him a chance!"

"I didn't say date someone you can't be yourself around! I was just trying to help!"

"I know... I'm sorry. I'll break up with him."

Yeonjun and Soobin replaced Beomgyu at the table. Yeonjun asked "what's with him this time?"

"Left to go dump his boyfriend."

"That was quick."

Soobin double checked to see if Beomgyu really was gone. Just in case, he leaned in and whispered "have you talked to Kai recently?"

Taehyun leaned in as well. "Yeah. He texted you too?"

Yeonjun was offended. "He didn't text me!"

"Shhh." Soobin grabbed the older's phone and begun to scroll through it. He then opened his archived messages and saw what he suspected. "He did text you. You marked it as spam dumbass."

"Let me see!"

A text message from a chinese number was shoved into his face. "Well you can understand why I did that right?!"

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