chapter twenty

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ALYRA felt herself waking up slowly, picking her head sleepily up off of harry, as she yawned quietly. she looked at him as she rubbed her eyes a little, "i'm terribly sorry for falling asleep." she mumbled quietly, her voice groggy and sleepy. she then looked down and noticed her cat venus curled up asleep in harry's lap and smiled as she pet the cats head softly

"it's finally fine alyra, don't worry." he replied as he rubbed at the scar on his forehead

"it's hurting again, isn't it?" hermione asked, and alyra looked between the granger girl and back at harry with a confused look, "your scar."

"i'm fine." harry replied with a shake of his head

"you know sirius will want to hear about this." hermione leaned across the compartment towards harry, "what you saw at the world cup and the dream."

"what dream?" alyra looked towards harry beside her, her eyebrows furrowing as he avoided eye contact with her, "harry?"

"don't worry about it, alyra." he spoke simply as the girl pulled herself from in his arms, "it's not important."

"okay.." she crossed her arms a little, noticing how he pulled out his quill and began writing, she didn't want to be too nosy, and didn't look at it to read it, she kept her gaze settled on her hands in her lap as she played with her hands. she noticed harry's gaze drifting to herself every so often, and felt herself looking back at him, the way his hair looked was making him look exceptionally better looking than the year prior. her feelings for him were going to drive her mad.


"CEDRIC!" alyra smiled as the older hufflepuff side-hugged her, "how are you?"

"hey lyra." he smiled back, "i'm doing quite alright, how are you?"

"i mean, i was alright until just before i got on the train earlier." she shrugged a little, thinking back to her fathers words from before the train, but then remembering how harry had comforted her, calming her down, which made a huge grin form on her face as she flushed a little red

"who are you day dreaming about?" cedric asked, raising an eyebrow at the young girl

"harry..." she mumbled, not thinking straight as she sighed, but the second the name left her mouth, she brought her hand up to cover it and her eyes went wide as she got some looks from some other girls in her year who sat just across her and cedric, they were her dorm mates who she didn't really talk to very much.

"oh, is that right?" cedric asked, his eyebrows raising even more, "you fancy harry?"

"stop, stop!" she whisper yelled at him, her voice was desperate as she tried to make him stop telling, "don't say that out loud. i did not mean to let that slip, oh my..." she shook her head as she rubbed her temple

"okay, okay, sorry." he whispered this time, "do you fancy him though?"

she didn't respond with words, just nodded at him and he smiled back in response, "so that time i saw you guys end of last year at the astronomy tower it wasn't just in my mind that you guys looked like you were gonna kiss?"

"no, we were." she sighed, remembering that exact moment, "i'm still mad at you for showing up when you did. because we still haven't done that yet."

"maybe he's just waiting for the perfect moment." cedric shrugged and alyra just sighed in response

"yeah, maybe."

i know the end ,, harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now