chapter forty-eight

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DRACO HAD TOLD ALYRA that father had told him before he returned back to hogwarts that they'd be hearing about a certain family member soon. but, alyra hardly thought it'd be her aunt bellatrix. when she was informed of her aunts escape— along was various other death eaters. —she became quite scared. she knew prior to this that voldemort was back, hell, he'd been living at the manor since the end of fourth year. however, this new news scared her more, because this told her that something bad would be happening. it'd be happening soon. she wasn't sure if she or anybody else was ready for what was to come. she didn't even have any idea what may be coming for them all.

in the lessons for dumbledores army, harry was now teaching them the patronus charm.

"just remember... your patronus can only protect you for as long as you stay focused." harry spoke as he passed alyra, tapping her on the shoulder a little, noticing the girl zoning out as she held her wand in her hand loosely, "so focus, lyra."

"huh?" she looked over at him, her wand dropping from her hand suddenly as she looked at him

"are you alright?" he asked, noticing the dazed look in her eyes and the clumsiness of her body.

"can you grab my wand for me?" alyra asked, not answering his question as her wand began rolling off. she had yet to tell harry what madame pomfrey had said about her back, and didn't plan on doing so anytime soon, "my back just hurts."

"yeah." he nodded, grabbing it quickly for her and handing it off to her, "here you are darling."

"thanks." she smiled at him

"try the charm alyra." he told her, watching her intently

"i can't seem to get it right." she told him with a small disappointed frown

"just try again, think of your most happiest memory." harry told her, sounding like he had total faith in her, "i know you can do it."

"my happiest memory?" she repeated, and he nodded, "okay.."

she thought for a moment; trying to bring herself to her most happiest time. she had three memories in her head.

years ago..

alyra was three, nearly four. it was a normal day in spring, she, draco, and their mum were outside in the backyard of the manor. it was raining but, alyra made her brother and her mum put on coats and play in the rain with her. she'd always been rather fascinated by rain. ever since she was young.

in fact, the day she was born it was raining.

this day in particular, she was in a way too big for her pink coat and some pink rain boots that matched it. her blonde hair was tied into two pigtails on either side of her head, and she had shorts on. shorts.

"sunshine, you can't go out in the rain in your shorts." narcissa commented when she noticed the getup her daughter had on

"but, i like them mummy." alyra smiled back at her, doing a little spin to show her mother the shorts, "i think they're pretty."

"if you get sick it's your fault." draco told her as he hobbled over, he wasn't a very good walker until the age of four. he was a very late bloomer.

"i won't get sick." alyra told him, sticking out her tongue at her twin

"you can't complain if you do." narcissa told her, leaning down to zip up the twins coats.

"what are you doing, narcissa?" lucius suddenly walked down the steps

"taking the twins outside." she answered plainly, now zipping up draco's green coat.

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