chapter sixteen

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THE MALFOY girl never in a million years would see herself with harry potter. sure, she had had a tiny crush on the boy first year, but she never intended to actually act on it. her original plan was as follows; push it down until it eventually goes away. it. never. went. away. no matter how hard the girl tried, something about harry just drew her in. there was just something about him that kept her wanting more.

the pair hadn't actually made any real moves on each other since the almost kiss before the near death a couple months before, but they did hang out in secret a lot. studying together in the library, and sneaking to hogsmeade together using the marauders map which lupin had given back to harry before leaving the school for good.

harry and alyra had been pretty touchy with each other a lot. not in a dirty way but in a, i wanna hold you hand and hold you close to me as much as i can sort of way.

now, here they were, alyras head on harry's shoulder as the wind blew her blonde hair over her shoulder while she and harry sat on the edge of the astronomy tower, feet dangling off the tower as they sat in a comfortable silence beside each other.

harry had an arm wrapped around the girls shoulders, she wore his dark red gryffindor sweatshirt again, he liked the way it looked on her.

"i'm gonna miss you." he suddenly spoke, his voice soft and sweet as he sighed.

alyra smiled, then frowned. smiled because he'd miss her, frowned because the comment made her remember she had to go home.

"you know, most people at this school don't like me." she spoke quietly, leaning into him a little more as the cold wind sent a chill up her spine

"well, i don't agree with most people at this school then." he replied, making the girl look at him as he smiled at her, "i happen to like you actually, quite a lot."

"oh yeah?" she smiled at his response, biting her lip to hold back a grin from spreading on her face, "look who's getting bold all of a sudden... what a shame you're saying this the day before we have to leave though."

"why's it a shame?" he asked

"because we leave tomorrow, and i'm gonna miss you like crazy." she sighed, leaning her head into his chest, burying her face in the soft sweatshirt he wore as harry laughed, the sound of his laugh making her smile even more

"i'll write to you." he told her, running his hand through her hair softly

"isn't that risky?" she asked, her voice muffled as her face was still in his chest, "what if my father catches us?"

"that just makes it even more thrilling, doesn't it?" he asked, making the girl laugh, and pull away from his chest

"you sound like quite the rebel harry potter." she replied, laughing at him a little

they were both quiet again as harry leaned in towards her, alyra doing the same thing, they kept moving closer to each other until their foreheads touched, just inches away from kissing.

"i want to kiss you." harry whispered, staring deep into her eyes as their noses touched, the quietness of his voice sent a shiver down the blondes spine

"i want you to kiss me." she replied, and just as it seemed like he was about to, someone cleared their throat behind them.

the two turned around quickly, standing up from the edge of the tower as cedric stood behind them

"i'm sorry to interrupt..." he said, sending an apologetic smile towards alyra who's face was flushed red, "but i was just looking for lyra. i can come back later... if.. you want?"

"no, no, it's okay." alyra sighed, slightly bummed, "i'll see you later harry?"

"see you later lyra." he replied, and she nodded, "and if i don't, promise to write, yeah?"

alyra walked with cedric back through the castle, he was clearly trying to figure out a proper way to question her on what he'd just seen

"soo... how long has that been.. a thing?" he asked, nudging her in the side as they said the password and walked into the hufflepuff common room

"we're not... we're not officially a 'thibg'" she told him, sighing a little, "i mean, we haven't even kissed yet. everytime we get close, we get interrupted."

"sorry about that." he chucked a little, "how does your brother feel about that? i've seen their little.. rivalry."

"well, be doesn't exactly.. know." she told him, and his face formed one of confusion

"oh, you guys seem to me like you tell each other everything."

"we do, usually. i just.. i can't tell him this. he'd hate me."

"he wouldn't hate you."

"you don't know draco."

"you're right, but i know you, and you are the hardest person to hate in the world."

"you are one of the only people who thinks that."

"you know who else probably thinks that?"





oh no!!! cedric's gonna die :((

i know the end ,, harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now