chapter twenty-three

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SEEING HARRY sat far off from the other griffyndors at the table the following morning made the smile alyra walked into the great hall with immediately falter, and she walked up to him, tapping him on the shoulder, "are you okay?"

"i'm fine, lyra." he spoke quite sadly, clearly nobody was talking to him from his own house and she felt for him, she thought about the many years in which that had been her, util this year she had only one friend in her own house, and he was to graduate that year

"harry, you don't have to lie to me, you know?" alyra response, a small frown settling on her face at harry's glum expression

"nobody believes me." his voice was rather quiet as he told her, "i know you believe me, but most don't." he sighed a little before slightly ly smiling a tiny bit at her, "thank you for believing me."

"i'll always believe you harry." alyra smiled softly before patting his shoulder and about to go walk away when she turned back for a second, "i wanna talk to you later, though, alright?"

"alright." he smiled in return


ALYRA DIDNT notice ginny, hermione, and ron approaching harry and neville nearby the water until she saw harry's eyes fall upon the three of them, and she looked over to see them walking down on a slightly different path than she did.

she made it to him first though and smiled at him, "hey." she whispered, noticing the look in his eyes, that damn look in his eyes.

"hey." he whispered back, kissing her on the side of her face, which made the blonde girl giggle a little before she pulled herself back away from him and watched as hermione ginny and ron finally approached.

she watched as hermione sighed before stepping closer to ginny and ron, leaving them behind her as she spoke to harry, who walked up closer to her as well, "ronald would like me to tell you that seamus told him that dean was told by parvati that hagrids looking for you."

"is that right?" harry asked, and alyra could hear the sort of annoyance in his voice as she walked up behind him, sharing a look with a seemingly stressed out hermione in front of herself and harry, who smiled a little back at her, "well y- what?"

"uh... um." hermione turned around to ron once again, and alyra linked her arm with harry's as she stood next to him, her head rested on the side of his arm as hermione and ron whispered again, watching as hermione walked back up to them again, "dean was... told by parvati that... please don't ask me to say it again. hagrids looking for you."

"well you can tell ronald—" harry started but hermione turned back in a frustrated manner and yelled back

"i'm not an owl!"

"i'm sorry, harry.." alyra spoke softly, rubbing his fore arm with her palm as the three walked away, clearly upset at him.

harry simply pulled himself out of her grasp and started walking away without another word, leaving the girl standing there slightly confused.

not even a goodbye?

she shook it off and just head back to the castle to get caught up on any work she had to do for her classes as she sat in the library


THE FOLLOWING day, alyra sat in the courtyard with stella, she glared at anyone who said a single wrong thing about harry, not yet noticing the badges people wore. it wasn't until she heard the group standing next to her, taunting harry that she finally took notice to them.

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