chapter forty-six

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WAKING UP AT GRIMMAULD PLACE on christmas day was much different than waking up at the manor, that much was for certain. it was weird for alyra to wake up from the feeling of ginny weasley jumping onto her bed that morning, speaking excitedly about how it was christmas, and there were presents and everything was wonderful. usually, alyra was the one jumping on draco's bed, so having ginny do that to her instead made her smile and get out of the bed quickly, the two girls deciding to get hermione up in the same manner.

"3...2...1." ginny whispered as they stood on either side of hermiones bed, jumping onto it as ginny finished the countdown

"AH!" hermione woke with a jolt, and alyra and ginny broke out into a fit of giggling at the girls shocked expression, the laughter dying down when hermione pushed both of them, resulting in the two girls rolling onto the ground below them. after a moment, all three girls broke into laughter and hermione immediately helped them up just as fast as she had pushed them over, "well, good morning to you two."

"happy christmas hermione!" alyra said happily, a cheery grin on her face as she did so

sitting down at breakfast was different too, usually it'd just be alyra, draco, and their mother, sitting in mostly silence as their father trudged around the house glumly, but here everyone was smile and cheerfull, even arthur weasley who had been told he was allowed to go home for the holiday.

alyra obviously sat beside harry as they ate their christmas day breakfast, made by molly of course. "happy christmas harry." she mumbled as she pressed a quick kiss to the side of his face, but he turned his head slightly as she did so, catching her lips on his, resulting in her pulling away quickly and swatting at his arm as she whispered lowly to him, "not in front of all of the adults, are you mad?"

"it's nothing we've never seen before." sirius said from behind the couple, making alyra jump slightly as he walked past them

"presents!" molly weasley then exclaimed as she handed gifts around the table, alyra was confused when one was placed in front of her, and smiled when she opened it up to reveal a red sweat when an A stitched into it. the sight of it brought a few tears to her eyes, just the fact that mrs weasley had taken the time to make that for her, despite not even really knowing her was so sweet on another level.

"oh, harry, i nearly forgot." alyra spoke as she handed harry an incredibly neatly wrapped gift

"you do everything so beautifully." harry told her as he admired how delicately she'd wrapped the gift, "i almost don't wanna open it."

"open it up." she told him, furrowing her eyebrows a little, which made harry laugh at her expression before opening it carefully, to reveal a simple grey jumper and a dark red one, "to make up for the amount that i've stolen from you that you probably will never receive back."

"thank you." he said, laughing lightly at her, shaking his head a little as he took them all the way out of the wrapping, revealing a nearly written letter in between the two

"don't read that yet, please?" she told him, "its kinda personal, i don't want you reading it around everybody else."

"oh, yeah, of course." he nodded, placing the letter carefully bavk in between the two jumpers and placed them in his lap before handing alyra a gift, which was not as neatly wrapped.

alyra looked around the table for a moment and smiled at the rest of the family conversing around them, the smiles, and the laughter filling the room around her and harry.

"earth to alyra jane." harry tapped her on the shoulder, and she immediately looked back at him

"huh? oh, sorry." she turned a little red out of embarrassment at how easily she had gotten distracted, and gratefully took the gift from harry's hand, opening up the wrapping to reveal a tiny box. she looked at him confused before opening it the rest of the way, a small bracelet inside the box. it was silver and had a small rectangle along the front of it, engraved in it were small flowers— lilys to be exact. —and also engraved in it was alyras name, "oh, harry.." she looked towards him and grinned, "it's so beautiful." the blonde quickly tried to put the bracelet on, sticking her tongue out slightly as she concentrated on getting it on

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