chapter ten

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"BROADEN your minds." professor trelawney spoke in her way too enthusiastic voice as alyra sat with her head down looking into the crystal ball between herself and stella, boredom over taking both girls as they listened to the professor, "you must look beyond. the art of crystal gazing is in the clearing of the inner eye. only then can you see."

both girls quickly sat up when the professors voice was right at the table next to them as she asked harry ron and hermione, "now, what do we have here, hmm?"

"oh, do you mind me trying?" hermione asked, sat up straight in her seat, the professor was quick to allow her, "the grim... possibly."

"my dear," trelawney inched closer to hermione, "from the first moment you stepped foot in my class, i sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of divination." alyra shared a weird look with stella as the professor held hermiones hand in her own, "you see there? ah, you may be young in years, but the heart that beats beneath your bosom is as shriveled as an old maids. your soul, as dry as the pages of the books to which you you so desperately cleave, mm-hmm."

alyra covered her mouth with her hand holding in a laugh as hermione bolted up from her seat and pushed the ball off the table sending it to the ground before leaving the classroom

"have i said something?" trelawneu asked and the laugh the blonde was trying to contain forced past her and she start giggling in her seat, she felt eyes on her and looked to see harry looking at her with a smile on his face, laughing not aloud but visibly.

once class officially ended, alyra walked beside stella down the stairs as harry and ron walked in front of them, the four of them conversing with one another as they made their ways out

"she's gone mental, hermione has." ron spoke as they walked, the other three all laid their eyes on him as the words left his mouth, "i mean, not that she wasn't always mental, but now it's out in the open for everyone to see."

"she's just under a bit of stress is all." alyra stood up for her good friend, "just lay off her, won't you?"

"hang on." harry muttered as he leaned down and grabbed the crystal ball hermione pushed off the table from the ground, it had made a far ways from the classroom, "we better take this back."

"i'm not going back." ron looked at him like he was crazy

"i'll go back with you." lyra told him, and harry nodded and the pair began back up the steps to trelawneys classroom

"see you later, then." lyra said to stella who gave her a look as she walked with harry, to which alyra just glared back at her

"harry, wait up." alyra hurried after harry who was going fairly quickly up the steps.
"sorry, didn't mean to go to fast."
"it's quite alright."

they finally made it all the way up to the classroom and walked in pretty cautiously, as it was now seemingly empty and quiet, lyra walked behind harry as he went to go put the ball down.

"okay, perfect. let's go." alyra gave a thumbs up before going to turn away once he had placed it down, but harry didn't seem to be going with her, "harry?" he didn't respond, just stared into the ball in front of him, "harry are you alright?"

"harry!" she exclaimed when professor trelawney suddenly rose up with a sharp gasp and grabbed his shoulder

"professor trelawney." he spoke calmly, looking at alyra with a confused expression as she looked back at him with the same shared look

"he will return tonight." lyra backed up slowly at the sound of the professors voice, she sounded eerie and as if there were multiple different voices speaking within her, "tonight, he who betrayed his friends, who's heart riya with murder, shall break free. innocent blood shall be spilt, and servant and master shall be reunited once more." alyra looked between harry's scared and frightened look and the professor who began coughing and hacking as she had her back against a table, scared of what the professor was taking about when suddenly she was back to normal, as if nothing had happened, "oh, i'm so sorry, dear boy. did you say something?"

"no." harry's voice shook as he spoke to her, making his way to alyra, who reached for his hand and pulled the now frightened boy out of the room with her

"what the bloody hell was that?!" she asked, her hand still linked with his as they ran down the stairs quickly, "that was totally scary."

"i think it means sirius black is coming for me." harry replied in a shaky voice, "tonight."


oh no!

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