chapter two

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LYRA SAT in the hufflepuff common room later that night, it hadn't been a very eventful day as it was only their first day back to the school, so she decided to just curl up on the couch in the common room with her book. alyra spent most of her time inside the dormitories in the common room rather than in her actual dorm. this was due to the fact that she wasn't super close with most of her house, as they all sort of saw her as just a malfoy and looked past who she was as her own person and instead just saw her family. all except for cedric at least, but she wouldn't even have him for too much longer, as he was almost on his final year.

she watched the rain poor down outside and put her book into her lap as venus cuddled up into the side of her leg, purring softly as lyra smiled at the cat.

"you headed to bed soon, malfoy?" she lifted her head up from her cat as she heard cedric's voice approaching her, "you don't wanna be too tired for when we start up classes again tomorrow morning ly."

"yeah, i probably will soon." she nodded, smiling as he sat down next to her, petting the cat on the girls leg, "how about you?"

"just came to check on you." he told her, still petting the purring cat, getting up a few seconds later, "alright, goodnight lyra, get some sleep."

"night, cedric." she replied as he walked towards the boys dormitories, she yawned and got up a few minutes later, carrying venus to her own dorm room, sneaking in quietly as her roommates were already fast asleep when she got in there. she swiftly got into her bed, as she had already been wearing something that was decent to sleep on, and managed to fall asleep after a few minutes.

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"WELCOME MY CHILDREN." lyra sat up in her seat beside stella as professor trelawney began speaking, "in this room, you shall explore the noble art of divination. in this room, you should discover if you possess the sight." lyra caught herself giggling as the professor stood up and bumped her little desk, and the blonde girl covered her mouth quickly to muffle the sound of her laugh, she felt eyes on her as she did so and looked to find harry's bright green eyes staring st her from his seat, and she looked away quickly, her laughter immediately dying down, "i am professor trelawney. together, we shall cast ourselves into the future." the woman chuckled to herself, a smile on her face as she spoke enthusiastically, "this term, we shall be focusing on tasseomancy which is the art of reading tea leaves."

"tea leaves?" stella whispered to lyra who just shrugged her shoulders in response

"who knows." lyra sighed, leaning her head against the palm of her hand as she leant against the table between herself and stella

"so please, take the cup of the person sitting opposite of you." lyra and stella did as the professor told, and took each others cups, "you see, the truth lies buried like a sentance deep writhing a book, waiting to be read. but first, you must broaden your minds, first, you must look... beyond!" lyra followed the professors arms with her eyes as she threw them over her head

"you boy..." she watched as trelawney motioned to neville longbottom, "is your grandmother quite well?"
"i-i... i think so..?"
"i-i- i wouldn't be so sure of that. give me the cup.

she took neville's cup and looked into it, humming to herself, and looking worriedly as she moved across the room, "broaden your mind."

i know the end ,, harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now